Official Toronto Raptors Offseason Thread . First (preseason) game in 2 days! Season Thread is up!

In BC We Trust. Antione Wright and Deavan George..I can live with that+ the MLE.

Shout out to Anthony Parker, dude was a great look for the city and I hope he wins a chip in Cleveland.

I assume we'll split the MLE between Kleaza and Delfino.

This is looking interesting.
Delfino or Kleiza is probably headed are way.

Hopefully we can get some bargains like Barnes or Von Wafer.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Why are there so many RealGMers from Toronto?
We have the strongest Internet presence of any fan base in the league go to ANY hoops site and the Raptors will usually lead or be top 3 inreplies in the team forum.

We are the 4th biggest market in north America a fact some Americans can't seem to get through there heads, not to mention that they have an entire countryof followers from coast to coast half of Team Raptors is from the prairies and I'm not even from Toronto.

Then you add the international makeup of the city and the team brings fans in from all across the world, the raptors have one of the stronger European presenceof any team in the NBA.

Even Bill Simmons said we are one of the most rabid fans in the league.

To summarize; we are @*!##+# legit.
Yeah the Raps have a cult following. The scary part is people love the Raps because they refuse to like the Leafs. Leafs Nation is stupid big....and Ican't even understand why.
@ this trade. Great trade in so many ways. We can use the MLE and havean additional $2 mill. to spend which means 2 more players will be heading our way via free agency. Devean George and Antoin Wright's salaries expire nextsummer where as Humphries has 1 more remaining (this frees up $3 million extra in cap room for 2010).

I dont want crappy Delfino back on this team. I wouldn't mind Kleiza, he is a good player. With our full MLE and $2 million, I'm confident we canacquire 2 decent role players in the coming weeks.

Here's what our team should look like next season

PF-Bosh/Evans/Devean George
SF-Hedo/Antoine Wright
SG-MLE player/Derozan/Banks

Depth remains an obvious weakness...we dont really have a back-up Center...I doubt Jawai remains in the NBA past this season. I'm not worried about SG as Iexpect Colangelo to get a starter with the MLE. Depth at PG remains an issue, if Calderon gets hurt, Ukic isnt a very good #2 option (right now atleast). Maybewith the $2 mill in cap room Colangelo gets a back-up center.

Allen Iverson for the MLE
I'd target Wafer or Barnes for like $3-4M and give the rest of the MLE to a back up center like Nesterovic or Magloire.
^ Thats why Delfino is a good option. He can play the 1, 2 or 3 if needed. Turk could even do a lot of ball handling when on the floor.
Delfino is crap. He's a chucker, inconsistent and not worth 1 penny. He's only a 40% career shooter so he cant be relied upon for instant offense offthe bench. Colangelo can find someone better than Delfino.

Edit: I forgot about Rasho...he can probably be had for the veterans minimum.

If all things go according to plan, this team's target should be 50-wins next season. Cleveland, Boston and Orlando will finish ahead of us, the rest ofthe Eastern Conference is wide open.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

PF-Bosh/Evans/Devean George
george is no power forward.

this is a great move. depth is depth on this squad.

not so sure about devean george but antoine wright seems like he could prove quite useful. even the starter at 2guard if no one else is signed at the position.
sorry guys I'm no capologist but I don't think the Raps will have the MLE to use this year even with Hedo on the books

just took another look had no idea that the raps were working on a deal for wright and george too....I guess if this deal goes through then we would now havethe MLE sorry
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Delfino is crap. He's a chucker, inconsistent and not worth 1 penny. He's only a 40% career shooter so he cant be relied upon for instant offense off the bench. Colangelo can find someone better than Delfino.

Edit: I forgot about Rasho...he can probably be had for the veterans minimum.

If all things go according to plan, this team's target should be 50-wins next season. Cleveland, Boston and Orlando will finish ahead of us, the rest of the Eastern Conference is wide open.
Disagree he has gotten better every year, and his offen sive efficiency has increased every year, he is a good perimeter defender, good rebounderand passer as well, can play 1, 2, or 3.
Oberto: LLE
Bogans: 2mill from the MLE
Barnes: 3.8mill from the MLE
Delfino: QO

Bargs - Oberto
Bosh - Evans
Turk - Barnes - George
DeRozan - Delfino - Wright
Jose - Ukic - Bogans - (Banks will never see the floor)
Bogans played the one for Orlando when Turk handled play-making. When you're playing half-court bball you don't need a traditional PG on the floor.Fisher isn't a traditional pg he just stretches the floor and plays defence: Bogans can and has done the same. Jose/Ukic are enough, Bogans represents adifferent option at the one.
so george and wright? or no george and wright?

and what's this about fabricio and keith?

are people just randomly throwing names out there or are there actual negotiations happening?

this thread stopped making sense.
^some of the homerism never made sense in this thread.
nestro/oberto would be a nice backup center. this trade helps toronto alot, with the reasons already stated.
hopefully your GM takes advantage of this trade and deepens your bench.
I see on we got Wright and George
but where does it say Oberto and Bogans?

On it says Oberto has gone to the pistons, so what are u guys talkin about?

Just finished watching the Hedo Turkoglu press conference and BC just said Anthony Parker is suppose to go to the Cavs.
I would of liked him on the bench for us this year...oh well.
just my thoughts on what would be a good move, thats why its just a random post with no link or explanation of contract details
Yes, dude was just suggesting players that the Raptors might sign.

I think that Rasho and Delfino are realistic possibilities. We dont know who else Colangelo is looking at.

If we get Rasho and Delfino, we'll be competing with Indiana and Utah for the whitest team in the NBA

Oh yeah...Jawai was included in the trade this morning...I think its safe to say his NBA career is over (I wish Colangelo had taken a shot at Bill Walker).
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