Official Umar Johnson Thread

Let me get this thread back on the tracks.

I agree with Umar (and Jess Hilarious) on this topic. (And if the mods ban me for saying this, than so be it 🤷🏾) Its time for the black community to distance itself from the LGBT community. The agenda is in full effect now: Emasculate the black men and masculinize the black female. And now Trans "women" are trying to claim that biological women don't own "womenhood". :smh:

To far gone. Protect you and yours, get with a biological woman and keep it moving.

We reached the point of no return a longggggg time ago. People are lost and mentally deranged out here. Find your pocket of people that you relate to and live your life. Millennials, Gen Z are the current parents bearing children. This generation ranges from age 12-44 if you combine them both.

These are the current and future parents of our global civilization and think about how clueless people of these ages are. The majority of them. The average 30
or 20 something or teen, is being raised by YouTube, IG, Twitter and other forms of social media.

Y’all have to get use to it
The world isn’t doom and gloom. Just cancel out the white noise. Find people you relate to. People with your ideologies, while respecting others (as long as they respect you) and live.

Nothing that doesn’t affect my everyday life, bothers me. Compartmentalize the stuff you disagree with and keep it moving.

Human beings have always waged wars on thoughts and ideas because all of us have different mechanisms and ways and which we see the world. We just have to coexist. Everyone is not going to get along.
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The world isn’t doom and gloom. Just cancel out the white noise. Find people you relate to. People with your ideologies, while respecting others (as long as they respect you) and live.

Nothing that doesn’t affect my everyday life, bothers me. Compartmentalize the stuff you disagree with and keep it moving.

Human beings have always waged wars of thought ideas. We just have to coexist. Everyone is not going to get along
Maybe the Orishas transitioned as adults and not children, in which case, Umar would be in the clear.
Do spirits age, or haven't they always been what they are supposed to be?

The extent of what Umar gets wrong about precolonial Africa goes beyond his misunderstanding of "African" spirituality, from his assumption that there is a single understanding of spirituality (there isn't), to him ignoring the fact that plenty of pre-colonial African societies had very relaxed attitudes towards sexual orientation and gender.

Prior to European colonisation, throughout the African continent we see far different, more relaxed attitudes towards sexual orientation and gender identity. As far back as 2400 BC tombs have been excavated in ancient Egypt with two men’s bodies Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep embracing each other as lovers. In addition to their acceptance of same sex relationships, Ancient Egyptians, similar to other civilisations at the time not only acknowledge a third gender, but venerate it. Many deities were portrayed androgynously, and goddesses such as Mut (the goddess of Motherhood; lit. translation Mother) and Sekmeht (goddess of war) are often depicted as women with erect penises.
Things Hoteps won't tell you...
This was not unique to Egypt or this time period. In the 16th century, the Imbangala people of Angola had “men in womens apparel, with whom they kept amongst their wives”. In contrast, King Henry VIII had just signed the Buggery Act in 1533 in England, which criminalised sex between two males. The last men to be sentenced to death by hanging in England were in 1835 for engaging in homosexual sex; whilst at the same time there was an openly gay monarch, King Mwanga II of Buganda (present day Uganda), who actively opposed Christianity and colonialism.

The reality is that, in places where it spread, Christianity simplified and ossified our understanding of gender roles and their flexibility, so a return to pure African spirituality and social organization (which is what Umar promotes), untouched by European influence, would have to take gender fluidity into account.

For centuries, woman-to-woman marriages in pre-colonial African societies seemed to indicate to Europeans that the strong correspondence between male to man and female to woman was not prevalent in Africa. This practice of same-sex marriage was documented in more than 40 precolonial African societies: a woman could marry one or more women if she could secure the bridewealth necessary or was expected to uphold and augment kinship ties. The idea that a female could be a husband perplexed Europeans, and often lead to fantastical conclusions.

This is in no way a political statement as much as it is a recognition of facts. Ultimately, Umar's views on all these topics collide with the ideals he pursues.
Prince of Pan-Deringism :lol: :smh:

No matter what these types of women say or do, Umar Johnson:

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That’s basically what we’ve been saying. Modern society has completely flipped the LGBQT lifestyle upside down.

It’s like they’re being coddle when in all actuality, we are ALL human, flawed and capable of doing evil/wrong. Same way a heterosexual person can commit crime, which is OK.

They’re trying to make it seem as if the LGBQT is above any possible wrong doing and that’s a bad precedent to set.
17:05 Mark

Always felt this way.

For all the flack I give Umar, every now and then he'll say some things I agree with. I've been saying for years that the black community needs to separate itself from the LGBT community. Anytime they catch some heat they use the black community as a shield.
Prince of Pan-Deringism :lol: :smh:

No matter what these types of women say or do, Umar Johnson:

Wonder if he truly feels this way or does he do it to lessen the blowback (#) he gets from all the other perceived wild things he says on other topics.

Like he couldn't be anti,-LGBT and consistently showing misogynistic views.
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