Official Umar Johnson Thread

I’m all about natural. If you have natural big breasts? Great. If you African dragging wagon? Phenomenal. If you’re itty bitty with bee stings? I’m all for it.

God/Allah/universe/science made us all different for a reason.
Umar got the snow chasers in a frenzy right now, attacking his character & his contributions to the black community (I'm not saying it shouldn't be BTW) but everyone not taking issue with UMAR until he goes an a big platform & directly addresses black people dating outside of their culture, now ****** UPSET :lol::lol:

Most important clip i've seen come out of this entire pod tho, one of the most harmful things to happen to the black community.
Dr. Umar has been a chew up the meat and spit out the bones figure for me for awhile so I don't go out of my way to watch his content much anymore but this latest appearance on joe buddens podcast has put clips all over social media. And while I think he prioritizes his own exposure by going on these podcasts and platforms rather than engaging with academics and historians that can really flesh out these topics to the extent and with the nuance that they require, there's definitely some truth the critiques of black peoples engagement with the church framework in America. I don't really call it the black church anymore because so many different sects operate differently in terms of how they "help" their congregations. I've been to black churches that only exist to have church services and host the occasional funeral. Being a first generation Haitian millenial though, I grew up in a Haitian church where the leadership did a lot for the congregation. Helped with immigration process, covered medical expenses, and got people jobs. The head pastor owned a few taxi medallions where he employed a lot men in the church directly. I watched a lot of folks come to the states come from Haiti with practically nothing and through the church create a comfortable middle class life for themselves and their families. My biggest critique outside of how afro Caribbean culture uses Christianity to justify some backward a** views, is that even though my church growing up did a lot for its members, it did next to nothing for the surrounding community which was in the middle of VERY black Trenton, NJ.
I always say that! But I grew up and my mom never wore weave. Her hair was always natural.

I wish more black women would embrace their natural hair
One of the factors how I chose my wife. That was one of my non negotiables. For marraige, I wanted a natural beauty that didnt need make up or high maintenance hair. Just my preferance. I dont want you looking drastically better in public and looking like whatever for me at home. When I roll over at 4am, I dont wanna have to accept your hair not done, your lashes aint on, and you face not photoshopped. Chicks be looking like different people without the sorcery. Might be ok for fun, but not for life. My life, anyway.
One of the factors how I chose my wife. That was one of my non negotiables. For marraige, I wanted a natural beauty that didnt need make up or high maintenance hair. Just my preferance. I dont want you looking drastically better in public and looking like whatever for me at home. When I roll over at 4am, I dont wanna have to accept your hair not done, your lashes aint on, and you face not photoshopped. Chicks be looking like different people without the sorcery. Might be ok for fun, but not for life. My life, anyway.

Yup and it sets a bad precedent for young black girls. They grow up watching what their moms, female relatives and other women do. It conditions them to think that how they are isn’t “good” enough. When it’s wayyyy more than good enough. The most copied female race on this earth, worried about looking like something completely different than themselves. I really hate it.

I always try and tell my young neices that they look excellent as is! I hate black women who put all that mess in these young girls hair.

Be looking like when ET put Elliott’s mom wig on. It pissed me off.

Stop putting that trash in these babies hair.
Growing up around black women the #1 excuse I’ve heard is always “Oh, I don’t know how to manage my hair” “I just wear weave as a protective style” man please.

Then they ask us men, how does our hair grow so fast. Because we don’t put all those CHEMICALS and stuff. I always had long hair and had the simplest method as possible. I could cut my hair, and within two years my joint is back long as hell.

Black men don’t be using all those BS scientific hair treatments. We just let or joint grow.

Their just more conditioned than anything. I always tell chics that their hair looks more like mines if they came outside as-is. But again, I just can’t deal
Yup and it sets a bad precedent for young black girls. They grow up watching what their moms, female relatives and other women do. It conditions them to think that how they are isn’t “good” enough. When it’s wayyyy more than good enough. The most copied female race on this earth, worried about looking like something completely different than themselves. I really hate it.

I always try and tell my young neices that they look excellent as is! I hate black women who put all that mess in these young girls hair.

Be looking like when ET when he put Elliott’s mom wig on. It pissed me off.

Stop putting that trash in these babies hair.
I was vp of the NAACP youth chapter as a teen. My older (natural haired) sister was Pres of our chapter. We went to a convention and they had sponsors tables there, coke and em. One of them was some hair straighting company. My sis went ham and damn near flip the table yelling about the bs. Everyone tryna get her to calm down, but she from BK and with the ****s. Everything she was saying was right tho. I wasnt even up on game at that point. She let them have it, our chapter leaders have it, the Naacp higher ups. We left the org some time later. They think progress is accomplished and dont really address the needs of the people. They should take the "advancement" out their name.
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