Official Uncharted 2 Thread Vol. 24 Perfect Reviews GOTY???

cant wait for it, gonna cop early of course!

Naughty dog says there is gonna be MANY more adventures for uncharted so dont u guys worry!

I thought batman was crazy but when i saw uncharted 2, it was the game winning shot lol.

xbox fanboys must be tight lolll.
getting it this Thursday hopefully
Yeah the Beta is fun. Running games with NTers makes it even better. Definitely gonna buy this, just dont know when since I cant seem to get a job.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

I don't the game needed its own thread but it will most likely be GOTY the way it has been reviewed. The multiplayer beta is #*!+%#% ridiculous. Its not quite Gears of War but its fine the way it is.

This is probably without a doubt the best looking game on any console. Naughty Dog showed what the PS3 can do when you put in work. They have another classic on their hands.

O YES it does need it own thread, this is as close to perfection we have seen in video games. If u can make threads for crap games like 2k10 and halo ODST thenthis should have its own thread, infact it should be a sticky. Naughty Dog good job
am i the only one wondering why the goty has pretty much been narrowed down to two well hyped/marketed sequels of almost identical genres? videogaming reallyhas changed. i remember when goty would be a tight close fight amongst a couple big titles. now goty titles are called weeks/months before they even getreleased to the public.
Originally Posted by vandalshark

am i the only one wondering why the goty has pretty much been narrowed down to two well hyped/marketed sequels of almost identical genres? videogaming really has changed. i remember when goty would be a tight close fight amongst a couple big titles. now goty titles are called weeks/months before they even get released to the public.

how are they identical? theres nothing identical about them, i myself didnt really know what to expect from uncharted 2, i know the first one got really goodreviews but i didnt expect it to receive such high praise

as for gaming changing, thats what happens when you have the internet, back in the old EGM days
it was exactly how u described
orly? nothing identical? you didnt realize that uncharted is a third person shooter and MW is a FPS? i'm not saying these games arent wothy of the gotytitle though.
Originally Posted by vandalshark

orly? nothing identical? you didnt realize that uncharted is a third person shooter and MW is a FPS? i'm not saying these games arent wothy of the goty title though.

only thing similar is they both have guns. I stay getting thrown off ledges tho
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by Lazy B

I don't the game needed its own thread but it will most likely be GOTY the way it has been reviewed. The multiplayer beta is #*!+%#% ridiculous. Its not quite Gears of War but its fine the way it is.

This is probably without a doubt the best looking game on any console. Naughty Dog showed what the PS3 can do when you put in work. They have another classic on their hands.

O YES it does need it own thread, this is as close to perfection we have seen in video games. If u can make threads for crap games like 2k10 and halo ODST then this should have its own thread, infact it should be a sticky. Naughty Dog good job
I wasn't saying that. It should just be discussed in the PS3 thread because gaming threads usually fail tremendously especially PS3 relatedgames. It would be better off in the official thread.
This, 2k, and MW2 are gonna eat my social life. Well not really, cuz my crib is the 'Spot' Great games to end the year right!!!
i still remember the first one. after i beat it all i could think was, "when are they dropping pt.2?" its been a few years and now they making ithappen. owning a PS3 FTW. WHEN IS IT OFFICIALLY DROPPING?
Originally Posted by NCTwin

Might as well post here too...

And a bonus shot for everyone...
Did you go to the screenings that Naughty Dog did yesterday (the 5th) and is doing today again in four cities??

Oh man, I heard you get a free copy of the game, so I'm thinking about going to the one in San Francisco (it'd be like 16 for the tickets and then 8bucks for BART, so the game wouldn't be "free" per se)....

Do you know if they're giving the game away both days to all attendees?
Just decided to buy a ticket for tonight's showing the game at the Embarcadero in SF!! I'm EXCITED!

Anyone else going tonight? I thought I read that this was going to be a small event (like less than 100 people?).
man i wish i can go, new york got shafted
. if one of you go could youask one of the people who works for naughty dog how limited is the Fortune Hunter set
Werd up! Just bought tickets for tonights SF event. I gotta question though, if I didn't play the first Uncharted should I not even waste my time with 2before playing 1???
Originally Posted by ManikHispanik

Werd up! Just bought tickets for tonights SF event. I gotta question though, if I didn't play the first Uncharted should I not even waste my time with 2 before playing 1???
i don't believe the games story wise are connected but one is a must buy. one gives you the back story of some of the reappearing charactersyou see in two
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