**Official USMNT Soccer Thread**

smh bradley
who do we got that can replace him? i'm done with bradley. finally
Nagbe but him and Klinsman don't seem to rock wit each other
Darlington Nagbe, Lee Nguyen, Benny Feilhaber but Jurgen be playing tho. Bradley will probably forever start until he retires.
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MB4 literally did nothing out there outside of maybe 2 good balls. and he blew it on their first goal.
Pretty disappointing result tonight. :smh:

2 primary sources of frustration for me, the first one entirely the fault of Kinsmann and staff. I just don't get the tactical approach to this game. The team finally gets some consistency and continuity going the past few months and plays well in a tried and true 4-4-2 system.

You gather the group together for a week and attempt to implement a complete overhaul in system by integrating a 3-5-2 in just a couple days? That's absurd. I see the idea, and I like the usage of Pulisic as a 10. It would have worked, and maybe even was working in attack. There was even some decent combination play early by our standards, but you gotta see the problems with defensive spacing and gaps between the lines coming a mile away.

Second source of frustration falls 100% on the players. Defending an important result in the 88th minute, free header anywhere off a corner let alone at either post is a unacceptable.

Aside from that one play overall I thought the group played well though enough tonight with the exception of Bradley who was terrible. Jozy and Wood were good and they look better in tandem the more minutes they play together on the field. I love the concept of Pulisic sitting underneath those two.

To me you have to over look the first 25 minutes when on the defensive side of the ball the players were straight up put in a position to fail by their coach. After the switch to 4-4-2 the players on the field really played pretty decent, the glaring exception being Bradley and an inexcusable mental lapse when it mattered most.

Michael Bradley is awful. I don't understand it man, he's was a very serviceable player for the national team at one point and he's played well at a variety of different stops in his club career but I'm ready to move after the performances he's put together basically since Brazil. You have to imagine there are 3 - 4 central channel players who'd be a net gain as his replacement right now.
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^^ agree 100% why is Klinsy experimenting the first game of the qualifiying is beyond me. I don't get it. Second bringing in Orozco when we have the momentum?? Beasler was playing well. I would have brought in Sasha or Gordon to Kill the game. MB4 needs to be bench. Plain and simple. He lost a step. JJ has lost two, but his desire and will more than makes up for it. MB4 had Wood open on that 2 0n 1 fuuuuuuuuu :/

On to Costa Rica. Where is never easy to play. Only thing that is good is they took out that crappy astrotuff in the hatbox stadium they have, so at least that's a positive.
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Yeah I was unamused when Orozco came in for Besler, it was honestly pointless. Sasha would of been great to put in, fresh legs at mid. That play especially from Bradley pissed me off, all he had to do was lay it off for Wood to potentially have a better strike at goal, he needs to benched next game. His best days have been over ever since he left Roma.
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I agree with North Oak to. Klinnsy shouldn't have experimented with formations for such a big game. It's almost like he's overcompensating to prove how much of a tactician he is.

Bradley looked completely lost. Also went for glory on the break by taking a terrible shot when he had Wood with no one in front of him on the wing. Bessler showed great effort (as he always does) but he couldn't keep up with the speed of the game. I think it's now time to put the old guard like these guys to rest. They shouldn't be called up anymore. :wow:

The only bright spots from last night's game were Altidore & Wood. I wish Altidore play more up front with his back to the goal though.

I liked how active & physical Pulisic was but his passing was way off last night. Would love to see what his passing % was.
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