Official Warriors Season Thread

Originally Posted by franchise3

Sad to say, but I'm telling you guys, it's for real.

The curse of J-Rich.

Might be true. Just like the red sox curse that was broken in 80 some odd years.

BTW I hope T-Mac is alright dude is one of my favorite players, and he was doing wonders for my fantasy team.
J Rich isnt worth 10mil a year.
That may be true but we DEFINITELY miss him without a doubt. I feel like our team got their heart ripped out and we are looking for a transplantin Stephen Jackson or something.
Originally Posted by daprescription

J Rich isnt worth 10mil a year. Every time I watch a Bobcats game, he is on the bench.
Who's really worth anything in the NBA for the most part, really?

Team chemistry is priceless, and that group of guys last year had something magical going on.

I just say the J-Rich curse thing, because J-Rich was my favorite Warrior, and I think the W's did him dirty.

Yes, it made sense for the long run, but, Warriors fans aren't to keen about 'the long run'

Getting to the playoffs as an 8th seed every year is much better than the alternative, which is on the outside looking in. They've had enough of that. Toomuch of it, really.

And it looks like it's going to continue.

Plus the whole contract stuff, who signs these guys to these deals anyway?

Mullin of course.

He signs all these guys, then a couple years later he realizes whoa, we overpaid, and trades them.

What's the point?

Just like drafting Patrick O'Bryant. Most likely gonna either re-sign him and then trade him a few years later, or let him walk for nothing.

Same thing with Wright down the road probably.

Minus the Pacers deal, what has Mullin done really?

Albeit, Biedrins + Ellis were quite the find..
When we get SJAX back, we'll finally get a player we can go to during games like this if baron and harrington arent open. I hate when Monta takes those 3s!Your a quick player dammit youre good at slashing/driving, you are not a shooter, so slash or drive to the basket!
Jackson will bring it back. We replaced the points with Kelenna, but we do miss the emotion that he brought. Right now, all we have is Baron out there.
I don't like the replacing points concept. Yeah, Kelenna is scoring for what JRich would be doing, Kelenna is making up for the scoring that is missed byJackson's suspension, but by lose depth. Who is the Azubuike that could be brought off the bench this year? Belinelli? No.
We got no bench right now other than Monta. Baron 45 mins, Azubuike 48 mins?? smfh By the time we get to the 4th, those guys are tired and ain'tcontributing the way they could.
Not really, Kelenna didn't really play last season. The only reason he had the little stats he did because of the period that Richardson and Baron wereout. The minutes will go down when Jackson and Pietrus are both back. We can't really take Baron out right now cause the team has no play maker. Jacksonis the missing piece and Baron can rest more when he is back.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Franchise3 has a point there.
It's just J-Rich is the most loyal guy, and bled Warriors blue and orange.

But he's the one that gets singled out and traded.

And even worse, they didn't even give him a heads up on the trade.
He said he expected to be the player sent packing, what with his value on the trade market, the emergence of second-year guard Monta Ellis and the arrival of Stephen Jackson. That's why he and his agent, Dan Fegan, went to Chris Mullin, the Warriors executive vice president of basketball operations, at season's end to address the obvious and work out a situation where the Warriors and Richardson could be happy.
SJax will help, but this team can't play defense against a CBA team right now. ANY team in the league can beat us with the type of defense, poor shotselection, and missed FTs we are displaying on the court.

SJax is an essential part of our team, but some of you are making like he is Lebron James to the Warriors. Everything WILL NOT be ok if we continue to playthis type of defense with or without SJax. One player won't fix the problem, it has to be a TEAM effort.

W's gave up 100+ pts every night this year. Honestly, W's deserve to be 0-6.

The JRich trade doesnt make sense right now, but it was made for the future of the team. We can't really judge the trade until Wright gets consistentminutes and show what he can do. IF Wright is the next Patrick O'Byrant, then Mullin #+#%+$ up. But, until Wright has a chance to develop and provehimself, Im giving Mullin the benefit of the doubt on the trade.

Monta has NO confidence at all after the playoffs last year. Hopefully, he will return to form, because a big reason why they moved JRich was to benefitMonta's emergence as a star in this league.
jackson is a our best defender. you are right though, he cant guard 5 positions at once. it comes down to this. . . we cant get a stop at the end of the game,and other teams can.
It's just J-Rich is the most loyal guy, and bled Warriors blue and orange.

But he's the one that gets singled out and traded.

And even worse, they didn't even give him a heads up on the trade.

My EXACT feelings about J-Rich.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

It's just J-Rich is the most loyal guy, and bled Warriors blue and orange.

But he's the one that gets singled out and traded.

And even worse, they didn't even give him a heads up on the trade.

My EXACT feelings about J-Rich.

I mean, every Warrior fans knows this about J-Rich.

Everybody loves him.

I get that.

And I get how the trade helps the team in the long run, but my main gripe is, who's to say it will REALLY help?

With J-Rich on the squad, everybody knows the Warriors are at least an 8 seed.

And again, all Warriors fan really want is to get to the playoffs. (Championship ultimately, yes, but after years of not going to the big dance, it's funjust getting there)

That's why I say screw the long run, shoulda kept J-Rich, and at the very worst, the Warriors would be a competitive ballclub who would fight for a playoffberth.

Now with J-Rich gone, it might be back to the same old Warriors. Bleak seasons, on the outside looking in, hoping 'this is the year.'

But yeah. It's still early, who knows what'll happen. GL GSW
^ Screw the long run will result to another string of countless seasons of bad basketball in the Bay Area, because Baron, JRich, etc arent going to be hereforever.

Don't get me wrong, I loved JRich, the playoff run from last year, etc, but I understand the trade, and it was to make the team better in the future.

Everything as far as trades, draft picks is a gamble, and Wright was a huge gamble, because it took our heart and soul to get them. The gamble we took is basedon Wright's potential to be great and make us a better team in the upcoming years. Hopefully, in a couple of years, it wouldve been the right choice. Forsome reason, I think this kid will be a solid player. He played good tonight with limited minutes.
I understand what everyone's saying about what the Warriors should have done and what the Warriors should have not done concerning the J-Rich deal.Personally, I hope that Monta and Andris can develop even more so what if/when we re-sign them, they'll be worth the money that we pay them... money we gotfrom trading J-Rich's contract away. But only time will tell if the J-Rich trade was successful or not.

I like to have a core team that's going to compete year in and year out, get to that elite status, and compete for a championship as a legitimatecontender. If that means trading away J-Rich in order to get that core group here and sign them to make them stay here, then go ahead and do it. But those coreguys we signed better improve parts of their games year after year. But don't get me wrong, I loved J-Rich and wished he never was traded. I wished wetraded S-Jax away instead.

I understand what you're saying franchise3, but let's say we're getting that 8th seed consistently forabout... let's say 5 years (that's as long as J-Rich and Baron would have been effective... let's just say for arguments' sake). As an 8thseed, we're good enough to make the playoffs, but not good enough to compete for a championship -- not elite. IMO, if you're not in that elitecategory, and you're just a regular playoff team, you're just asking to get booted in the first round of the playoffs. We'd do no damage in theplayoffs. Last year we were lucky to get matched up against Dallas. That resulted in the biggest upset in NBA history. But to expect that year in and year outas the 8th seed? That's asking for too much.

The "win now" mentality is cool franchise3, but that's if we only have a team that can legitimatelywin it all. With J-Rich, yeah we'll be an 8th seed, but what will we really accomplish? We'd have no rings to show for it. Not even a Pacific DivisionChampion banner to hang from the rafters at Oracle (since the Suns will take the honors like they do every year).
I know what you're saying, but we have to realize that Biedrins and Ellis are young players. They may not realize their full potential until years fromnow. Yeah, they're pretty good now, they may be great down the road, but we have to be real here. It's all on Baron really. He makes the team go. Inthis system, unless you get a Steve Nash, there's nobody really who can man this offense the way B-Diddy does. By the time they realize their fullpotential though in Ellis and Biedrins, if they realize their full potential, Baron's time might have come and passed. I mean, he's fragile as is.

Re-sign everybody, hope Ellis and Biedrins develop to franchise blocks, hope Wright pans out to be worthwhile, and then compete for a title.

Sounds good in theory, but again, that might very well be years from now, and that really is the best case scenario.

What if it doesn't pan out like this?

Re-sign Ellis and Biedrins, let Diddy walk, and then what? Back to a young developing team, fighting to make the playoffs. Problem is, they probably won'tbe good enough for years to come.

Or re-sign everybody, Diddy included and hope for the best. Problem is, that's this year's team, and thus far, this year's team doesn't looktoo good.

Trading J-Rich is a good move financially for the long run, but, IMO with J-Rich, the Warriors are at least an 8 seed. At least. And remember, a team withJ-Rich were growing in chemistry. Who knows now what would have happened if the same core from last year, had a full season to make a run at things. Looks likewe'll never know.

Get to the playoffs and anything can happen. It's a fun ride at least, every time. Nobody outside of the Bay thought the Warriors could beat the Mavericksin a playoff series, but they did it. Who knows how'd they fare against other teams.

Not getting to the playoffs though, takes a toll on fans. Warriors fans know this just about better than anybody.

The fans want a championship ultimately, but looking at the bigger picture, how are the Warriors competitive down the road? Re-signing Diddy, Ellis andBiedrins is going to take most of the cap. And again, resigning them is basically this year's squad, and this year's squad doesn't look too good.Anything else, is basically back to the drawing board.

It's a good move in theory for the future, but unless they put that to practice perfectly, to me IMO, it's going to be like how the Warriors werebefore they made the playoffs last season. A lot of disappointing seasons, on the outside looking in, with Warriors fans thinking at the start of the season,'this is the year.'

Good luck with that one.
I don't see what the problem is with Buike playing since J-Rich is gone. He has done an exceptional job scoring and rebounding for a really cheap contract.The J-Rich trade may seem really confusing in the present time, but if the W's do obtain a key free agent this off-season or a player in a trade during theseason, then the J-Rich trade will pay off. I don't think there's anything to worry with the W's right now except for their free throw shooting. Iunderstand they suck at the FTs. But it's a concern to see them shooting free throws at a lower percentage than last year.

When Stack Jack comes back, he's going to have the look on his face...

And say...."Let's do it." Hahahaha

This picture too is funny.

Its obviously easy to assume JRich would've been the difference maker, but honestly, I don't believe it and I stand by that.

It's not our chemistry so much our lack of decision making.

In crunch time, we're leading but yet jacking 3's against a zone? They should've been breaking that down from the get go, and finally figured outputting Baron in the middle and letting him pass, drive or shoot.

So because JRich was a loyal guy, we should've crippled the organization financially for years when we're attempting to turn the corner? Flat out, hemade too much money and we had a suitor to take it off our books. That's the sad business aspect about it, but what are you going to do?

JRich by no means was a good defender. Anyone who watched the game on TV last night saw the Warriors "defense" statistics for the 4th qtr. Allowingteams to shoot over 50% and from 3pt land too? Christ, that's horrible.

I hate to say this, but honestly, we can't dwell on not having JRich. Also, realize he wouldn't have made a HUGE difference thus far in this season,etiher.
^ I think that's where Jackson will help the most. He's the second best playmaker on the teams and maybe the best defender on the team. Hopefully theytake better shots and pick up the defensive intensity when he comes back Sunday.
My only worries about getting Stack Jack back is, I hope he doesn't try and do too much.
He plays with emotion, which sometimes gets the best of him, but I hope he realizes we all have to be on the same page.

The first win is going to be the hardest. We NEED the Clippers game on Friday. We NEED a win before this road trip, especially given how we do on the road ingeneral.
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