Official Wizards @ Mavericks; 530 PST/830 EST, WIN OR GO HOME, oh wait...

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Mavs WILL come back, will they win, we'll see, but we always come back, just the way we do things. JJ Barea proves me wrong each time I begin to think he's trash again.
5 point run right as I posted this, come on Mavericks, this losing stuff ain't fun!

Same here. I'm always like no way he can get passed NBA caliber defenders and if so certainly not finish, but he got that sexy lefty scoop off theglass down packed and his open jumper is money. He still hasn't shown me against a really good team, but I can't hate.
i get so mad watching caron play, knowing our team traded him for kwame freakin brown.

caron is straight killing any type of comeback for dallas.

[table][tr][td]Washington[/td] [/tr][tr][td] Name[/td] [td]Min[/td] [td]FG[/td] [td]3Pt[/td] [td]FT[/td] [td]Off[/td] [td]Reb[/td] [td]Ast[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]Stl[/td] [td]Blk[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]Pts [/td] [/tr][tr][td] C. Butler[/td] [td]38[/td] [td]12-14[/td] [td]4-4[/td] [td]4-4[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]7[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]32[/td] [/tr][/table]
this !*%@ is ridiculous, we lose to three straight sub-par/average Eastern Conferenceteams with missing players (two of the three did anyways).

It's now when we string together 10-12 win streaks though, hopefully..
, someoneelse make a game-thread for Wednesday, I'm bad luck,

It boggles my mind why Dirk passes up so many shots... really pisses me off..
can you believe how Caron has progressed through his career.. he was NON-EXISTANT from three.. he adds another arsenal this year..amazing.
It's a reason i think if Arenas was healthy last year, they would have got to the Eastern Conference Finals & maybe played the Spurs.

No disrespect for the Wizards, but with them missing Gil, there's no reason why the Mavericks should lose by this much, at the very least it should be acompetitive game,

Then again our second string is killing their starters, so...

3 possession game,

Juwan Howards game is horrendous,

Caron Butler = Tom Brady

Mo Ager = ****** for going for that three.
good win Wiz Kids! I hope Butler and Jamison can stay healthy all year..

we need some consistency on the road though.

Wood, Blatche, and Young have all been playing great..
Eh, couldn't care less...The Mavs really seem to be sleep walking through games against inferior opponents this year. They've won every 'big'game they've played this year, and lost 5 games to clearly inferior teams. Doesn't quite make sense, does it?
I never would have underestimated Tawn and Ron, I knew the dudes were good, but 5/5 from three and 13/17? just not our night...

Also, CUT DOWN ON THE DAMN TECHINCALS, they seem margainal, but it can make hell of a difference at the end of games.
How bout the Wiz averaging 113.6 PPG without Gil in the line-up. And him being out certainly isn't hurting our defense.
I can't believe we're on a 3 game losing streak, especially all 3 to eastern teams.
I didn't get a chance to pay attention to this game,because I was caught up in Monday Night Football.
at me for betting $50.
This is why I suggested last year that we start AD at the point and slide Gil over to the 2. See how much better we run our offense with him running the point?

Also, Nick Young should be getting a lot more playing time than he is getting. He was a huge spark off the bench for like 3 straight possessions. He justbrings tremendous energy. I'm not saying he should start, but him and Blatche should be getting a few more minutes.
I'd just like to add that Avery is changing up the roster too much, I don't like seeing JJ Barea out there for an entire quarter when there'snothing wrong with Devin and we're down and in a winnable game. Also why the hell did Damp/Diop combine for only 33 minutes? That's 15 minutes withouta dependable center out there, dear God. Now, I know Josh was in foul trouble (when isn't he?
), but it's time like these when I miss Devean George,probably the only guy our roster who could have at least tried to contain Caron, I don't think Bass was on Ron, but still, Dirk on Caron, Josh on Caronisn't going to cut it. We also need some bench support, JET was horrendous tonight, as was stack, a combined 3-18, if they would have made just 3 moreshots (still a bad 33%,) we could have easily had a game. Juwan Howard looked like a big dope out there, missing a few put-backs that could have given us achance late. Stack hasn't shot above 40% since GSW, and JET was irrelevant for 3 of the last 4 games... Coming off the bench and being our sixth man, weneed something more than that, your supposed to be Nick Van Exel 2.0 JET..
What's the scouting report on this JJ Barera dude? Good win for the Wiz last night...watching them was a good escape from everything else that is going onw. Skins
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What's the scouting report on this JJ Barera dude?
What you saw last night is about what you get. He's a spark plug.He'll be really good one night, and absolutely useless the next. He's a nice asset right now because the Mavs can go 3 deep at the PG spot and savelegs for later in the year...

JapanAir...It's obvious what Avery is trying to do right now. Just conserve legs on some nights. Give one guy a rest one night, give another guy some restthe next. I have absolutely no problem with it. If sitting players down for 5-10 extra minutes a night than they normally would right now means they'll befresher when playoffs roll around, fine. The Mavs are sleep walking through games against sub-par teams right now. They've stepped up in the games againsttop-flight teams this year, and had some let-downs against teams they shouldn't lose to. It's early. We're not even a fifth of the way through theseason yet.
There isn't one yet, that's why he's able to have relative success in small spurts. Dudes are looking at him like who is this guy, $%%* outta hereand they come out of their stance and he gets by. That's my theory anyways, because I still don't believe he is getting by NBA defenders and into thepaint throwing up floaters with the left. His jumper is wet though, no bones about it. And he can't defend worth a damn.
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