:::[Official]World Cup South Africa 2010 Thread:::

Robben has to exploit Bastos' manhood if they're going to topple Brasil.

I think Brasil's attack will be too much for the Oranje, whose backline hasn't really been tested in the tournament thus far. Kaka breaks out in this one.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

LOL, I love this story. Messi wants to defeat Germany for Oasis:

I thought Messi was doing this for Oasis after what Liam told him how he got his teeth knocked out at a nightclub here in Munich

F Sharp005

Wow, how do you allow a through ball on the ground right through the center of the field? It wasn't even diagonal. Horrendous defense there.
Fabiano might have been through but that would've been a harsh red I think. The right back was in decent position to at least challenge had there not been a foul.
Damn Robinho through that defense. Good attempt by Kaka

Wassup with the dutch flopping all over looking for that whistle?
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Wow, how do you allow a through ball on the ground right through the center of the field? It wasn't even diagonal. Horrendous defense there.

Well, if you have to renew your defence during a tournament and than have to play against Brazil, you shouldn't be to surprised.
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