Official Xbox Thread - Black Ops 6 Day 1 on Gamepass

Which next gen Xbox will you purchase

  • Xbox Series X

    Votes: 130 78.8%
  • Xbox Series S

    Votes: 28 17.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 7 4.2%

  • Total voters
I’m seeing all these fancy created stadiums on the show and my friends are playing CoD on 4K and I’m sitting here stewing in my own jelly :frown:

when/if the series x is ever in stock again I’m getting one
Check Costco for the bundle, that’s where I got mine from last week
Well good luck finding one Ala carte... almost every retailer does forced bundles now. Better than paying above retail and getting just the console and lining some resellers pocket. At least the extra gig of SS memory is the most useful item you can get for the console rn. You might get lucky during a random Microsoft store restock, BB, Target, or Wal-Mart drop.
Well good luck finding one Ala carte... almost every retailer does forced bundles now. Better than paying above retail and getting just the console and lining some resellers pocket. At least the extra gig of SS memory is the most useful item you can get for the console rn. You might get lucky during a random Microsoft store restock, BB, Target, or Wal-Mart drop.

yeah i know. I'm hoping/assuming that in a few months theres gonna magically be a wide release of series x's/PS5s that were lost at sea
I can at least say it's easier getting the Xbox than the PS5, and the Xbox is superior hardware. You will get one at retail eventually if you are patient.
yeah I'm ok waiting for a regular console for retail right now, the games are still playable on XB1. plus during the initial release i was planning on a series s but now I have the money saved up for a series x.
It actually looks great on the Xbox One X in 4k. Haven't tried it on the series X yet but I'm sure it's great.
Big day for Microsoft tomorrow at E3.

They had better show me something, and I don't mean a bunch of stuff that's gonna happen 2-3 years from now.
It's crazy to me that there are still people waiting and unable to secure a XSX or PS5. 8 months later. Thats a complete failure of the companies part. How are restocks these days? still few and far between?

i havent been on the restock twitter pages in months since i was able to lock down systems, are they still getting it in with restocks and links? Best I can say that worked for me is really to follow those religiously. set notifications and just be on it. I got my Xbox from the BB app. and the ps5 from the walmart app.
It's crazy to me that there are still people waiting and unable to secure a XSX or PS5. 8 months later. Thats a complete failure of the companies part. How are restocks these days? still few and far between?

i havent been on the restock twitter pages in months since i was able to lock down systems, are they still getting it in with restocks and links? Best I can say that worked for me is really to follow those religiously. set notifications and just be on it. I got my Xbox from the BB app. and the ps5 from the walmart app.
It's not that crazy to understand. It's simple supply and demand. They're doing the same thing like the shoe market, or how the shoe market used to be (haven't really copped shoes like that in a few years)
It's not like the shoe market, and it's not hard to believe. It's not that Sony or Microsoft are holding back to increase demand... they are producing as many as possibly given the supply shortages. They want more boxes in homes because that means they can sell more games to more people and collect the royalties from them, which is how they really make money.

Don't forget, even before COVID, the same thing happened with the PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, Switch...

Anyway, I finally got around to playing Control (because it was free on the Epic Game Store and I wanted to see how it ran on my new PC). I bought the CE back when it first came out because it got great reviews, but when I first tried it, I couldn't get into it for some reason. Feel pretty silly now because it really is pretty dope. I'm not sure if it's still on Game Pass or not, but if so I recommend everyone check it out
Hilarious how some people thought new Bethesda games weren't gonna be Xbox exclusive.

They didn't spend 8 billion dollars to put their games on competing systems.
at the end of the day, you never know with Microsoft... right now it's in their best interest to make exclusives to get more people wanting to buy into the XBox ecosystem. However as both consoles mature, they are also going to want to take advantage of the PS install base. So what I am saying is, they will probably just make them timed exclusives, but we will see.
at the end of the day, you never know with Microsoft... right now it's in their best interest to make exclusives to get more people wanting to buy into the XBox ecosystem. However as both consoles mature, they are also going to want to take advantage of the PS install base. So what I am saying is, they will probably just make them timed exclusives, but we will see.
8 billy for timed exclusives?

Don't see it
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