OFFICIAL : Zoom Kobe V (5) thread - Ace launch on 3/6

23RAKIM45 i would put my DK laces but then i wouldnt have any laces for those lol i think imma put my away laces on the BL's and buy all black laces for my aways or mayb do the yellow but i still need to know the best place to get all black laces that match the best with regular laces
Yeah, no need to get worried. They will release in more quantities later by either HOH exclusive or GR release.
Originally Posted by jdub562

Yeah, no need to get worried. They will release in more quantities later by either HOH exclusive or GR release.

I figure it'll be more like HOH and NDC and very limited general release like the DKs, no?
Originally Posted by moneyallthetime

Originally Posted by jdub562

Yeah, no need to get worried. They will release in more quantities later by either HOH exclusive or GR release.

I figure it'll be more like HOH and NDC and very limited general release like the DKs, no?
Someone said awhile back in this thread that they was a GR.
Originally Posted by moneyallthetime

Originally Posted by jdub562

Yeah, no need to get worried. They will release in more quantities later by either HOH exclusive or GR release.

I figure it'll be more like HOH and NDC and very limited general release like the DKs, no?
Yes, sir! This will be released in higher quantities, but similar release to DK's and BL's in my opinion.
Originally Posted by only MJs collected

Originally Posted by gimpy gimp

I need those in my life bad, any help? I will tip very big.

This makes 2 of us! Im hoping n of the 100's of people ive hooked up in the past can come thinking a $135.00 TIP SHOULD SUFFICE!... Size 9 BTW
only MJs - I would try to help you out and make that drive from San Diego to LA but i have a huge accounting midterm on friday
So....what all is releasing this week?
-DaVincis (?) Thursday @ the Monty
-Aces, Rices, Dukes, USCs Saturday @ HOH
-Inlines Saturday GR everywhere

Is that right?

oh yeah...anyone with a 9.5 in the DKs you know what to do...

its been a while
Originally Posted by ns dubl

So....what all is releasing this week?
-DaVincis (?) Thursday @ the Monty
-Aces, Rices, Dukes, USCs Saturday @ HOH
-Inlines Saturday GR everywhere

Is that right?

oh yeah...anyone with a 9.5 in the DKs you know what to do...

its been a while

no usc (3/13) no duke (3/13) no rice (3/20)
Ok...I was like damn! Lol. I only really want the Aces...if I can't get those save my $$ for a GR.
Aces are very nice as I have said..want the Da Vinci's but they will b too difficult to cop..

Ashton Martin Kobe V..*PUKE*
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Good thing I don't like the Da Vinci's, because I'm sure they will be a hassle to acquire.

I don't think it'll be that difficult. The THU release is just some special event/hype thing. Just hold on and they will be released in more quantities.
A horrible event happened to me today
SMFH. I left my pair of DK on the hood of my car when i was getting ready to leave my house and totally forgot about it . I drove off and later remember that I left my pair shoes on the hood.
Shoes fell off the car and ended up somewhere on the street. I drove back and forth looking for it and only found the right shoe. Can't find my left shoes even though i spend half an hour back tracking on the street trying to look for it.  I feel horribly stupid right now . My DK is gone forever
Feel like i just lost a child. DK is my favorite pair of shoes of late too smh I feel so bad and sad
DVs are pretty dope, but too many releases to cop em all...gotta be selective.

Anyone coppin the AM pack? IMO so far those are the worst colorway of the Vs.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Good thing I don't like the Da Vinci's, because I'm sure they will be a hassle to acquire.
agree with this....
i've been away for a few days and haven't caught up yet, but that recent pic makes me "eh" about'em...

played in the v's over the, they feel good....gotta think about my iv's though....

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