OFFICIAL : Zoom Kobe V (5) thread - Ace launch on 3/6

Originally Posted by RaFzDaMaN

57 mins and I finally got my size! At least I got to do something productive while I was on hold.

Good luck to everyone that is still on hold.

i feel bad for laker fans
losing again to the cavs and then this

will say this Lebron HWC>every kobe V>everyother lebron VII
57 mins and I finally got my size! At least I got to do something productive while I was on hold.

Good luck to everyone that is still on hold.
Don't give up man...just put the call on speaker phone and hook your phone up to the charger if its close to dying out.~
Been on the phone for approximately 29:15 minutes; guys think I might possibly get a size 11; its 10:21PM in LA and this music is killing me! loving the facts!
havent been on Niketalk for awhile; anyone know if they sell stickers? LOL! 
They keep having sections in between the music and talking that just sounds like nothing... and I get all panicky that it might have disconnected or something, and I have like the biggest sigh of relief when I hear the funky country tune again. Is it just me or the hold music's really soft?
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