Really like those UWR's. Hopefully they'll be easy to get here in Dallas like the rest of the V's have been so far.
Raydio5 wrote:  

Across the street is where they filmed one scene in Mighty Ducks 2,
That was nothing compared to the Kobes worn at the staples center event. Almost everyone had a pair of Kobes on.
Originally Posted by PlaybaLL

are those kobe flip flops in the background?? jk
No - those are the "LBJ Post Seasons". They are great for fishing and lounging around the pool.


nike taking dudes money like its nothing. how many colorways now? like 34242342?
UWR is nice but I wonder how the design looks like in person. Also any more info on the Big Stage? I read a few pages back Mid July is that still happening?
Originally Posted by never wear them

Both USAs are dope. 2 completely different pairs. But if I had to pick, it'd be the USAs > UWRs.
I like the UWR more because of the blue heel. Thought they shouldnt have changed that on the GR USA from the samples since I liked those so much more. 

I definitely prefer the USAs over the UWRs. Hard for me to believe that Nike wouldn't drop them before the 4th, when everyone was goin crazy for USA soccer.
USAs and Big Stages then onto the VIs for me
Originally Posted by Mugen EP

never wear them wrote:

Both USAs are dope. 2 completely different pairs. But if I had to pick, it'd be the USAs > UWRs.
I like the UWR more because of the blue heel. Thought they shouldnt have changed that on the GR USA from the samples since I liked those so much more. 


I guess its a love/hate thing with that. I personally dont like that color blocking like the big stages and inlines. Id prefer the GR usas or Chaos color blocking much more.
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