* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

  If they start doin it on the court before games and during timeouts and what not, yup.  You guys laugh and clown, but still can't name me a single team full of fools to win an NBA title.  When it happens, then you can tell me I'm wrong, til then, eat it. 
this just keeps getting more concise as we go on, huh? Now it can only be during the course of the game.
. Or is that cause Boston is the team that's supposed to knock off the "King Clown"? I guess a clown can't beat a clown or else this whole theory would be debunked.

At the root of this 'clown' topic is LeBron. And the double standards are there and will continue.
Like I have said, all teams have a clown.  Or two.  Fine.  But a roster full of idiots bumbling around?  No chance winning a title.  NONE. 
How about half of your rotation, that good enough? That's what the Celtics are working with right now (at a minimum). And two of them were at the head of the Cleveland circus last year.
you won't see them clowning and dancing around on the sidelines during games
they already have. And They'll continue to do so. We don't see it because it's not LeBron, therefore, it's not worth a story.
It's coincidental that no team has ever yucked it up on the sideline constantly while also winning a championship... they don't coincide.

Uno Uno

I mean, that's four of the nine players that are going to play into how the Celtics do this season.

This is a never-ending debate...
Because we can never have enough articles about LeBron not respecting the game and Durant being the humble superstar.
No party animal

James was scheduled to have a party at The Midland, a theater in downtown Kansas City, on Thursday night.

Durant was invited but politely declined.

"I don't go out to parties the day before a game," Durant said. "I really don't go out too much during the season."
KANSAS CITY, Mo. —  Last month, Orlando's Dwight Howard said Kobe Bryant was the NBA's best player and then picked Thunder All-Star Kevin Durant ahead of LeBron James.

Durant relayed a message to Howard. "I appreciate the kind words," Durant said, "but I don't think that I'm on his (James') level yet."

Exactly how far behind James is Durant? A skosh? A teeny weenie bit? A little bit more than that?

"To be honest, I don't think I'm (in the) top 15 or top 20 guys in the league. Honestly," said a stone-faced Durant. "There's a lot of great players in this league who can do more than me as far as being game-changers. I have a lot to work on. I'm not saying that just to say that. I'm being real. I can name a lot of guys who I think are more advanced than me in the game."

Like who?

"I'm not going to get into that," Durant said. "It's not about me being better than those guys. It's about my team trying to be better than their team. That's what I'm worried about."
Revis Christ I can't wait til the reg season starts so we can actually talk about the games.

SKA, when did u say I can start the reg season thread ?
Originally Posted by FullMetal

what the eff Black Griffin 18 and 13 at the HALF.
You hadn't heard? He's kind of a big deal. Don't worry, I got my list of all you "He won't transition to the NBA well because he doesn't have X skill(s)." dudes.

I know yall seen JET bang on Bogans.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by FullMetal

what the eff Black Griffin 18 and 13 at the HALF.
You hadn't heard? He's kind of a big deal. Don't worry, I got my list of all you "He won't transition to the NBA well because he doesn't have X skill(s)." dudes.

I know yall seen JET bang on Bogans.
Who the hell said he wouldn't translate?
Please post the list and/or quotes good sir I need a good laugh.

Dude has dynamite in his sneakers and has a radar nose for the basketball on the glass. Kid eats rebounds all day because his motor never stops. He's a hard worker, down to earth kid who is very unselfish and. How would any of that not translate?

It was a lot of people... "He's a bull at Oklahoma but has no offensive skill set" "He's undersized" WHAT!!

There was so much nonsense spoken about that dude when he came out and went #1..
The only question I had about Blake Griffin was if he could avoid the Clippers' Curse.
He's definitely not a post presence where you throw it into him and expect something good to happen but he certainly has skill and he measured out to 6'10 with shoes on last year so the size is unfounded. He could have grown since then.

For now he'll fit in nicely by just being a glass eater and a finisher in transition with his soft hands. He seems like a smart kid, I think once he gets his feet wet he'll definitely be a post player eventually.
I didn't know where to post this...........RIP JOHN "FRANCHIS" STRICKLAND........."Finish Yo Breakfast"
That clown theory is probably one of the dumbest theories I've come across. Such a loose definition of the word in this context and all of the interchangeable labels yall throwing in there

Like how you even try to put Shaq, Nate, and Davis on the level of Delonte West?

I'm not gonna quote, but I agree with you for once. And pro tip, you'll be happier if you ignore 95.5 or the AM stations in your car.

Have fun dealing with us Blazer fans when the season starts
heres another vid of the Celtics messing around with shaq

The C's are the most fun team in the league. #TeamCeltics
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