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Which New Laker Acquisition Will Shine The Most This Upcoming Season?

  • Jordan Farmar

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  • Nick Young

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  • Chris Kaman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elias Harris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wesley Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan Kelly

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Lol, obviously there is no one or two players that can make a significant impact for us, guys. We need to accept that the team we have now is more or less going to be the team we take into the season.
Soooo.. I'm guessing were rounding out the roster with summer league guys..


That's what its lookin like..if they wanted to sign anyone who can contribute thats affordable. .they wouldve by now. Delfino, hickson, maybe randy foye..maybe a handful of others. Other than that, its DJO, CDR, Glock type players. Im fully prepared to not only accept it, but embrace it.
"we have 23" 

I love Phil :rollin
Makes ya wonder why that Memphis story wasn't written in such detail months ago.

Makes ya wonder if that Memphis story is so detailed if Dwight re-signed with LA.



It's been established that Woj and Kobe are tight. Woj wouldn't write something like that without Kobe's blessing/if he knew it would piss Kobe off. You know damn well that the details he put in this article wouldn't have been good for public consumption prior to Dwight leaving. I'm sure they wanted to keep that in house, until Dwight left anyways and they said alright F you then :lol

After reading that article I feel even more ok with Dwight leaving. Anyone else have a friend that's always telling you how great his new girlfriend/job/hobby is? "Oh yea Erica's the best, WAAY better than (insert ex's name here) I feel like I can just be myself around her, there's no drama we just have fun!" "The new job's great! Everyone is so nice and it's a lot less stress than my last job!"

Less than 6 months later: "MAAAN Erica is a b*$&%! She always wants to spend time with me on the weekend and I don't get to hangout with my boys anymore. And when she watches TV she puts the volume all the way up to 27! Can you believe that? Like b%* can't you hear?!" "This job makes me wanna kill myself, my boss is always going on and on about how awesome his garden is and Susan won't stop making that clicking sound with her teeth. I'm always on a deadline and I just don't like the work; I need something new."

The instant something is less than perfect, a small difficulty arises or they just get used to whatever they're doing they get antsy and start wanting something new. And the unpleasantness is never their fault. Dwight strikes me as that kinda guy. He's the ultimate frontrunner who's all buddy-buddy and joking around when he's new/things are going good, but when any sort of difficulty comes up he points fingers and never accepts responsibility.

Also the quote he had when asked about Kobe teaching how to be a winner, where even though he said Kobe didn't really say that, he said something along the lines of, "I'm already a winner. I'm a winner because I came from a small town and nothing and have been in the league almost 10 years" or something like that. While that's true, I can't ever imagine Kobe or Jordan saying something like that. I'm sure he wants to win but it clearly doesn't mean as much to him as it does to Kobe. Kobe would never say, "hey if I don't win another title, at least I've been in the league 17 years playing at a high level!" Shaq could get by with being a little lazy and kidding around because he was much more talented and dominant than Dwight is. All of that stuff only flies if you can still perform when it matters, and Dwight hasn't lived up to that nearly as much as Shaq did.
Damn :{ @ me for JUST NOW realizing the Orlando SL has started already.

Has there been any word on who exactly will be on our SL team.......I'd like to see DJO get another chance with us.
I've only read about Dexter Strickland and Michael Snaer. Hopefully Ryan Kelly is cleared to play.
I just did a quick Twitter search, both Elias Harris and Kenny Boynton are playing on the team too.
Man looking back - kind of wish we had an opportunity to get Bledsoe and Griffin for Dwight....

better then what we have i guess. :/
Regarding LO, the Clippers are looking to sign Hollins and have interest in signing Jamison. So it looks like he is the odd man out.
Hmm so Dwight don't wanna learn from kobe on how to be champion. Well hope the Lakers got something up their sleeves on staying competitive in the West. Would like to see kevin love in a laker uniform
So according to the media/Ron's brother, they're leaning towards NOT using the amnesty on Artest? And Ramona Shelburne says we reached out to Lamar to gauge his interest. I guess they're just trying to rock with the same lineup of the last title sans Fish and Bynum? :lol

That'd be great if this was like 3-4 years ago, but not now. I would like Lamar back though.

My question for all of you who keep pointing to 2014, who are we gonna sign that will actually make us contenders? Kevin Love is a good player, but he's not a franchise cornerstone. I don't see anybody in that FA class besides Lebron that will actually put us in title contention.
So according to the media/Ron's brother, they're leaning towards NOT using the amnesty on Artest? And Ramona Shelburne says we reached out to Lamar to gauge his interest. I guess they're just trying to rock with the same lineup of the last title sans Fish and Bynum?

That'd be great if this was like 3-4 years ago, but not now. I would like Lamar back though.

My question for all of you who keep pointing to 2014, who are we gonna sign that will actually make us contenders? Kevin Love is a good player, but he's not a franchise cornerstone. I don't see anybody in that FA class besides Lebron that will actually put us in title contention.
get this: lakers have tons of players with expiring contracts...all we need is a very very good player/superstar to get fed up with his team mid-season and ask for a trade (preferentially to la) and we trade pau/artest (who make a ton of money) for him.  that plus the summer free agent we sign are the only way I see us rebuilding quickly (i.e. two years).
OMG y'all need to stop bringing up JUST 2014!!!

2014 is just the beginning of the restart, it doesnt mean we are instantly gonna be in title contention

It's not about just 2014 but 2015, 2016, etc....2014 is just the first time we can flex our muscle through the draft & free agency in 100 years lol
But trust it is going to take longer than a couple years to get back to the promise land...it took us 7 years to get back to the Chip after the
Shaq/Kobe Era...It'll prob take us 4 years to get back to title contention. All in all thats not bad.

But its more than just 2014, thats only the beginning.
The point is we can basically go in any direction we want. It's not necessarily about bringing in a SPECIFIC player.

Assuming we axe D'antoni at the end of next season, how do yall feel about shaking that coach K tree again to gauge his interest in the NBA 8o
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