Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Movies I've had at least a TINY morsel of interest in, no matter how bad or good they are
, that I haven't seen yet.

Dragon Tattoo, The Devil's Double, J.Edgar, Warrior, Sherlock Holmes, The Eagle, Rango, Paul, Hobo, Bridesmaids, Midnight In Paris, Friends With Benefits, Cowboys and Aliens, Crazy Stupid Love, 30 Minutes Or Less, The Debt, Apollo 18, Real Steel, Tower Heist, and Immorts.
Tree of Life

I could probably throw a few more up here as far as the "best" but those two were the ones that truly stood out. A lot of entertaining movies, otherwise. Bridesmaids, Friends with Benefits, Crazy Stupid Love, Fast Five, X-Men First Class, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Captain America, Fast Five, some more I'm sure.

The ones I didn't see that I need to from this year, Ides of march, Beginners, Attack the Block, and Midnight in Paris (and considering I'm a huge Woody Allen fan, I was mad I never got around to it)
I'm probably the only person in the entire world who is more excited from fricking Expendables 2 than I am for The Dark Knight Rises.

Don't get me wrong, I loved The Dark Knight, but I am not a huge fan of Begins, and although I'll give TDKR a chance, I personally like the original Batman more, along with Batman Returns. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I really love that first film.

Van Damme looks badass.

I'm a sucker, I know, but I loved the first, and I know I'll love the second.
I'll admit Begins and TDK are better made films and I hate Michael Keaton, but Batman Returns is my favorite Batman movie.

That said

And is Ambien over the counter?
Damn with two weeks off I need to get on the grind between now and New Years... I haven't seen much of anything since school started in August...
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

So are you guys saying I should watch the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? It's on Netflix.
Yes, absolutely. 

However, it is slow going, it drags early, but it will pay off.  It's worth it.  She is terrific

Yeah, you should...

Solid flick.. I didnt love it as much as some here seem to, but it's good.
Watching the last season of the inbetweeners. I haven't laughed out loud like this in a while. These British shows are awesome
I sat down and finished out Harry Potter last night.  Liked it.  FINALLY.  All I been askin for for the past 4 movies was to see Potter go fight the big nose dude, and thank God they finally gave it to me.  Course, they made me wait another hour to get to it, but whatever. 
I knew Die Hard was going to end up being a good guy.  I knew that @#$% all along. 
So last time ya'll got mad at me about the Horocrux thing, ok, my only question is, WHY are those things locked up with Ralph Fiennes?  Why they hold all that power over him, weaken him, etc?  Is it cuz he was dead and came back or what?  We couldn't have cut that @#$% out and made the series in 3 less movies?  Really?  Just askin. 
They should've picked an uglier little girl, cuz I don't feel right lookin at Emma Watson like that now.  Disturbing. 

And I figured out why I struggle keepin up with the dialogue, all their damn accents.  I can't understand half the stuff they say.  I want an English remake of this series too, like Dragon Tattoo. 

Picked up a couple copies of some 2011 stuff, I'm on vacation next Friday til New Years, so may get some time to get thru it.  In Time, 50/50, Dream House, etc.  Lookin at my list, gosh damn I watched a bunch of nothing. 

The Green Hornet
No Strings Attached
The Mechanic
Just Go With It
Hall Pass
The Eagle
I am Number Four
Drive Angry
The Adjustment Bureau
Battle LA
Fast Five
Scream 4
The Hangover II
Kill the Irishman
Super 8
Sucker Punch
Transformers 3
Captain America
Rise of the Apes
Friends with Benefits
Bad Teacher
Horrible Bosses
The Roommate
The Green Lantern
Pirates 4
Larry Crowne
The Change Up
Killer Elite
The Devils Twin
Crazy Stupid Love
30 Minutes or Less
Ides of March
Cowboys vs Aliens
Fright Night
In Time
Dream House
Friends with Kids
Harry Potter 7.2

I mean, she's like 21... 

So no one has seen The Descendants yet? It really seemed to come out of nowhere. Seems like an Oscar kind of movie, too.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

I mean, she's like 21... 

Thas what I'm sayin though, in the first movie she was like 4, and now she damn near Natalie Portman deux.  It's botherin me.

Like like Emma and I will ever be sharing any time together, but still.  They shoulda switched girls or somethin to make me feel better.  
So no one has seen The Descendants yet? It really seemed to come out of nowhere. Seems like an Oscar kind of movie, too.
No, but I have heard nothing but good things about it.  Clooney again, and the girl in the movie apparently is about to break out HUGE pretty soon.  I do want to see this one.  And it's set up for the Oscars, anything they release late like this, you know what they're goin for, and this is no different. 
What's the name of the newest Harry Potter? And is it the last one? And what was its release date?
Emma Watson didn't look any different when they changed her to an old person. Neither did Potter.

No Ska, he means in the final movie, they jump ahead 19 years for the final scene, obviously she looks the exact same though. 
We Bought A Zoo? Really, Damon? *facepalm*

I don't know, looked like it had potential I guess.

Speaking of Matt Damon, saw something last night that seemed eerily similar to The Bourne Identity: Unknown, with Liam Nielsen. Wasn't that bad.
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