OK...lets talk about the age of consent. What is considered, "underaged?"

As a man with 3 daughters 7 and younger, legal limit should be reset to 29.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by bigsid

"If her age is on the clock she is to young for the %$$#."


Originally Posted by blakep267

Im just like, if the age of consent was lowered, how many loser guys in their 20's & 30's would be chillin with high school girls; because its easier. Itd happen.

Already happens. When I was in high school and even 9th grade, chics were getting picked up at lunch time and after school from dudes in the Army mostly. It was close to impossible to compete as a 14y/o when those dudes are like 21 and got money, tattoos, cars, their own place and %%#*

My neice, who is a complete @%+@#%# and waste of space and air, is 15 and is @!!%#!@ some convict dude with these Asian gang tats and got her pregnant (was aborted praise Allah) and he has her on all types of drugs and %%#* and throwing her life away. My dad, who is apparently bout that life, has gone over to that house a few times looking for dude as well as called the police but guy is always a few steps ahead. My nephew too, who is only slightly less of a @%+@#%# and waste of space, is 10yrs younger than me and was smashing grown @#% women older then me when he was like 14. True story, chics were coming by the house and my mom would think they were looking for me. I don't know if he lied to them about his age, but he is short and not particularly old looking, looks pretty much exactly like Lil Twist except he's kind of brolic because before he turned into a spawn of Satan, he used to get into normal trouble and get grouned and would just lift weights and do pushups in his room.
Originally Posted by Yeah

My feelings on the matter are this:

I agree with the age of consent being set at 16 and up (it's 16 in Minnesota.) I feel like at that age you know whether or not you want to have sex. I think that where people get messed up are with sexual education (the lack thereof,) and not knowing how to choose their partners wisely. I think it's insane that there is a definite realization that teens are engaging in sex, and yet, we as a society allow this "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy when it comes to sexual education. By the time you've reached that age, you've made a decision about sex, and learning how to properly put on a condom is not going to change that (but that's another topic for another time...)

My only gripe with the current law is that a lot of guys get caught up when it's not even their fault. They go to the club or something, meet a girl that they think are of age (Not considering the possibility of a fake ID,) smash, and then get caught up because the girl lied about her age. Someone I know got knocked for that. Now he's a registered sex offender for getting topped off by a 15 year old with a fake ID who told him that she was 19.
I know it's hard to regulate something like that, but I can't help but think that the system needs some reform in that regard.
This is the only thing I think is unfair. It's not fair that a person was misled and then has to get punished for it. Your average person isn't gunna do a background check on every female they meet. And even though the girl lied, all she has to say to the cops (or whoever) is that the GUY is lying and then bam he's getting knocked. I met this girl when I was like 18 at a party. She told me she was 16 at the time. Ok 2 years younger is nothing. We talked and %$#% on and off for like 2 years up until last year ( I was 20) and she finally confessed to being 4 years younger than me instead of 2. So I was 20 talking to a 17 year old I thought was 19/20

That sex offender status is a killer man

It's like the herp
If anything, I think the state laws on age of consent need to be consolidated and equal all around. I know it's 18 in some places and 16 in others and I think that's problematic. In Maryland, the age of consent is 16, while in Virginia it's 18. So if you have a 17-year old GF in MD and decide to go over the bridge to smash, you're all of a sudden breaking the law. I just think it's wack that something as arbitrary as state lines can get someone sent to jail.
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