Ok ... So Hangover is definitely the best movie of the YEAR !!!!! *no spoilers*

movie had me
I was a fan. Want to see it again instead of with homegirl. I look over and shes looking at me like
when I'm laughing at the Alan hitting the baby with the car door
Just watched this movie and it's definitely hilarious

Gonna go watch it Friday as well.
This movie was hilarious!!! I've been telling everyone I know to go see...I started crying when the officer said "Not you Fat Jesus"

And I don't see why this can't be labled a Classic...It was MUCH better than Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Express

...and it's right up there with Old School and Superbad

I hope I get a chance to see it again
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

"Tootle-lu mutha efffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - the ayo asian dude while the window is going up (he continues to move his head up higher, the higher the window got till it was closed)


Observe & Report's "%$#@ Yooooooooou !!" exchange with the Indian guy > This.

that was the worst part of observe and report which otherwise was a funny friggin movie

am I the only one that thinks superbad has aged horribly? I can't really make it to the 2nd half anymore
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by TeamJordanKidd532

Easily the best movie since Superbad, although I will have to see it many more times to see if I like it better. I have seen Superbad 20+ times and still I crave more...

My friend and I couldn't believe the pic at the end with Alan getting a bj and we heard a voice in front of say "Eeek! A penis!" When the movie ended and the lights came on we noticed that the person in front of us was a young girl no older than 10. My friend goes "OH MY GOD ITS A LITTLE GIRL!" and i couldn't control my laughter for about five minutes lol. But really, what kinda parent lets a girl that young see a movie like that? And I still don't know how the hell she got in the theatre...
Man some people have no common sense. When I went to go see it, there was this elderly couple a couple rows in front of us and I was thinking what they were getting themselves into. Next thing you know, the freakin Partridge family comes strolling in about 8 deep with 3 kids that were about 11.
Same with my theater... I went to one in Minneapolis that was packed with college students, but down in the front row I see all these kids like 10years old. I couldn't help but think through the course of the movie, do these kids understand this? Do they think it's funny? And what kind of parentstake their kids to a movie called THE HANGOVER?
Originally Posted by ASchwartz44

I was a fan. Want to see it again instead of with homegirl. I look over and shes looking at me like
when I'm laughing at the Alan hitting the baby with the car door
qft...my girl was def
at some moments but she liked it too
I didn't think i'd ever see a movie funnier than superbad, but this one..omg, it was ridiculous. I laughed from beginning to end! Alan deserves anaward for this movie.
Funny, but the previews somewhat killed it for me. Had I not seen the baby get hit by the door, nor the naked guy jump out of the trunk, I would have beentaken.

The ending credits did me in though, the movie was worth watching because of that itself. I still cannot believe they showed that in the elevator
I still need to see this movie
By some of the replays here i need to hurry up and watch it
pretty good movie. the trunk scene had me crying.

that whole character was hilarious.
This movie had me geekin so much i cant even remember some of these qoutes you guys are posting. Im goin to see this again on the weekend.

One of my favortie qoutes is..

Alan: " Im really worried about doug, like what if something really bad happened to him. When my Grandpa died i just couldnt handle it"
Phil: " How did your grandpa die?"
Alan: " World War 2"
Phil : " Did he die in Battle?"
Alan: No he was skiing in Vermont...during World War 2"

Had me rollllliiiinnnn...
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

This movie had me geekin so much i cant even remember some of these qoutes you guys are posting. Im goin to see this again on the weekend.

One of my favortie qoutes is..

Alan: " Im really worried about doug, like what if something really bad happened to him. When my Grandpa died i just couldnt handle it"
Phil: " How did your grandpa die?"
Alan: " World War 2"
Phil : " Did he die in Battle?"
Alan: No he was skiing in Vermont...during World War 2"

Had me rollllliiiinnnn...

and "Black Doug"
Alan had so many memorable quotes, when their out in the desert and asian dude was looking through the purse/satchel "there's nothing in the bag"Alan "There were SKITTLES IN THERE!" hahaha comedy.
"What's with the purse?"
"It's a satchel"
"It's a purse"
"It's a satchel........Indiana Jones had a satchel"

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