ok... so the manager asks me for answers..

employees dont want to talk to you about kicks, especially when your just asking a bunch of questions about a shoe that is going to sellout first dayregaurdless.

therefore they have no need to be educated on it, because like i said, IT WILL SELLOUT THE FIRST DAY ANYWAYS.

use your head, shoe stores are here to make money, not kick it with you and talk about your favorite sneakers or help you plan your next campout.

hiring sneakerheads is no help to stores, because all they do is sit around and talk about their favorite shoes all day, which does no help most of the timebecause they are shoes that are not even available at the stores.

let use our heads.
Originally Posted by XanGelicO

finishline is not only selling jordans or basketball shoes... lmfao
it is nothing unusual that they dont know much about the sneaker info~ we know tht much, cuz we like sneakers like a hobby, so we go online check very often.
but a sport store manager has no requirement of being sneaker head...
if u r undftd, FCLA or FCNY, etc. this kind of sneakers only store, but the store manager doesnt know anything about the sneakers, then it is kinda blameable~

and plus the store manager is good enuf with his job, he asked u, it means he wnts to learn, to prepare his job, his putting his heart and effort on his job...
not like just keeping the job without caring anything~ hes a good manager in my view~
i dont think sneakerhead is a neccessary requirment for a footlocker, footaction or finishline store manager~

this topic just pointless to me... grow up...
Exactly. It's just another job.
Originally Posted by AgainstClint

Not ALL the managers are complete morons.
I can not speak for Finishline (however, I know the Finishline in our mall has gone through a plethora of managers since my time at Foot Locker) but I know for a fact there are a few sneakerheads at my store.

I'm the assistant manager out here in Pittsburgh for a Foot Locker, and I am more then welcome to feed my employees knowledge about shoes, for the sheer fear that this could happen to them. A local sneakerhead could walk in talking about something coming out, something in the past and they look dumbfounded. I make sure my employees TRY to know as much as I do about upcoming releases. I'll go as far as bringing in my laptop and bookmarking threads here at NikeTalk and Sneakerfiles.com

Also, if you're a sneakerhead, test the waters at your local retail shops. If a guy comes in who knows his stuff, complains about the right things and what not, i'm much more willing to help you out by saving you a release date shoe or giving you a nice "coupon" of sorts when you come in.

So, if you're in the Pittsburgh area, come in and say hi. I'll be glad to talk to you for a while. ha.

They need to hire more people like yourself. Very few managers would even take initiative to bring their laptop and show their employees shoe forums, good jobman!!!
Originally Posted by JorPun662

They need to hire more people like yourself. Very few managers would even take initiative to bring their laptop and show their employees shoe forums, good job man!!!
Honestly, Working in a lower volume mall can help me do things like this. Also, this new generation of "sneakerheads" really just needsa push in the right direction. People will buy ANYTHING with a Jumpman logo on it, and I feel it is partly due to people like myself who force these Fussionsand Team Jordans down their throat. When someone comes in looking for Jordans, I try my hardest to ease them in a better direction.

Now, I DO work off of commission, so yes, I will take that $160 firmly out of your hands and get that little bit of commission, but there are some people whototally want more out of the shoes they are looking for, and I try to do the best I can to try and change this generations outlook on the shoes they buy, evenif it's just one kid out the hundreds I sell to a week.

My store is VERY knowledgeable. My manager has been in the game since I have been born (I'm 21). So he has more information on the past then I could everhave. Hell, I have a part timer who started about 8 months ago that researches on his own on a daily basis. And this kid is only 18! Instead of him being aFusion and Team guy, I feel we taught him a much better way.

I'm also not saying every employee is like me. I have ran into and even helped people from my company who are down right clueless. It's disturbing andI feel it is part of the problem. I'm not saying "Fire these people right now!" they do need jobs, and they will sell and force these things downpeople's throat for the sake of a profit, and I totally understand it. It's a fine line to walk as a customer.

Pretty much, if you walk into one of these chains and you have the time, contrary to what has been said, talk to us. If you find a few good employees in thisstore, stick with em. They will help you out as much as they can.

...and end rant.
Its not so much the people you see working at these shops fault, its the companies fault. If they don't give any information about the product they receiveto their employees then how are non sneakerhead employees going to learn? Yea you might say they should do some research, but what for there not getting paidextra money for this. At the finishline i work at our district manager does give us info about the product that we receive and a brief history about the shoesbut its just that it needs to be done more everywhere. Just keep in mind none of yall wouldnt want to extra work from your job without getting paid for doingit. But i do agree that it will make things much smoother if they had more knowledge.
My local finishline manager is a complete clown, he doesn't know anything.
sometimes i go to footlocker and i ask the magner all this questions and he dosent have a clue what the hell im saying
Originally Posted by jahsondc

Originally Posted by AIR 305

Sneaker shops should only hire SneakerHeads period


in a way i would have to disagree, bcuz if a sneaker head does work at a smaller shoe store he has access to hold all inventory and resell when he wants tomake extra $$$...

but then again i would also want a sneaker head to work at a shoe store so that i know whats coming out... and to what locations...
Yeah is always like that my hommie is the manager at footaction
and I always call him to see if they are gonna get this or that
and he always goes and ask where did u saw that at , how do U know ????
and sometimes he think that im fooling around with him ...........

but the truth is that they only want their checks and thats it, thats their job to sell whatever comes to their store
without knowing what they have in there well they could know what they have but they dont care
That's is actually really surprising cause all the fellas at my local sneaker shops are sneakerheads I found out stuff from them most of time before I seeit on here or the net
hahah that how it is in fresno there is only one manager at footaction that knows whats up i burn people all the time +@#@ is fun
Originally Posted by roly2345

Yes most if not all employee's @ shoes stores do not know or care enough about sneakers to give a $&@" enough to do the research like most sneakerheads like you and I do, so therefore we have all the info, same thing happens to me with my friend who is a manager @ footaction.

exactly there should be at least some sort of sneaker knowledge required for these jobs
Who said the managers had to be sneaker heads? I thought it was jus a job, they ring hire people from niketalk u no.
You may know more about J's but I almost guarantee he knows more about women's tech shoes
i know what you mean but what i really hate is when you call to see if they still have a certain shoe and they say they have it but when you get there theydont, they knew they didnt have it but they wanted you to come and but something.
sort of off topic and bad grammar lol
It works both ways tho, like that movie high fidelity when jack black worked in the small music store. Often sneaker heads working in these stores can act allhigh and mighty to customers with little knowledge, this can often be intimidating and people can feel threatened and may walk out the store which is the lastthing managers want.

A balance of knowledge and personality is the main thing.
A manager is just doing his job, managing his store to make profit. The only thing that should change is that employees should at least know their inventorypretty good. I wouldnt want them to be clueless when i ask if a certain shoe dropped and there like
. That annoys me.
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