Old Text Messages??? update with pic

Nov 19, 2002
Does any one have an idea of how long cell phone companies keep old text messages? Your boy has some legal trouble.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

the NT beasts need night reading material
Pretty sure they dont save any of them. Think of how much storage they would need if they saved everyone on their networks text for 1 day.
They keep them. I cant say for how long but I would say for atleast a month unless they already clockin you. But you guys are naive if you think they arenttracking text messages. How you think it be coming out when someone is kidnapped of killed and they look at texts and stuff. I mean hell I can go on my Sprintaccount website right now and look at texts I got last month sometime.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Why the hell do i keep seeing elijah dukes name this morning on nt?!
I've seen Dukes' name like 5 times today.
Aight, I'll see if i can make a long story as short as possible

my ex girlfriend threw paint all all over the front of my car and she threatened me a long time ago she would do some thing drastic in a text message i wantedto get it for when i bring her to small claims court.

i think on The Wire season two they said cell phone companies keep them for a month.
Originally Posted by Young Stutta

my ex girlfriend threw paint all all over the front of my car and she threatened me a long time ago she would do some thing drastic in a text message
and you did what exactly to provoke that type of behavior
Originally Posted by Pmighty

and you did what exactly to provoke that type of behavior

Til this day i have no idea. I broke it off and i guess she took it hard. Would you believe I haven't seen or spoken to this girl in it about a year andthen she just come vandalize my baby.
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