Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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Good luck to all in the US. Apart from the Nas shirts and I think the Centrepiece hoodies loads of stuff sat in the UK for ages, pocket tees are still available now in most colours & sizes.
I can't decide what color Nas t to go for now. I was thinking red. But now maybe the white. Based on the U.K. Numbers I think I'm better off shooting for the red
This week is nuts:

Tues: SNES (score)..wild and crazy day
Today: Preme (feeling confident)
Tomorrow: interview (walk in the park..but will need to prepare tonight)

My mind is all over the place..hard to focus at work
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Looks like the usual bots and restock cooked U.K. So I expect most of the resellers in here to be successful
I can't view the pic of this weeks drop that pissdrunxdunks posted today

can someone hook it up??

haven't had a chance to develop a game plan if need be
There are like 4 things I want to try for

But I think only enough time to maybe do 2 separate orders before it's gone

Let's see
We one hour away. May we all cook! Hoping items sit over here too. My 2nd, 3rd, and 4th orders are got a lot in em.
I really want that black nas but I'm justifying going for other colors instead by claiming most of my tees I rock are black
Let's get it fellas IMG_0030.PNG
if u use that supreme toothbrush ur gums will most likely bleed lol..looks like a $0.10 toothbrush
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