Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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all this FB group vs NT thread talk is lame...

this thread needs a Tensai
Gotta agree. The SUPFB group rocks. SUPNT also has its days. Really, there should be many groups like ours just with only people you trust. That's what  the group is about: minimizing lurkers, maximizing help, and minimizing drama. In here right now there's max level drama, min level help, and max level lurkers. We need to flip the script cuz SupNT really is one of the best threads on NT next to SBNT.
but without a Tensai in this thread, it seems to get super sloppy.... SupNT needs a savior... a leader... a Tensai
I tried to stop some of the madness but people just get salty at me so fuggedaboutit. If you want the thread to be a mess you can go down with the ship lol
Today wasn't a bad day. Ordered one box logo at 11 and picked up two more at 12 with the restock. Passed one to my friend and keeping the other two. #TYBG
Thread really only becomes a mess when a highly hyped item comes out tho. It's pretty helpful every other week

I had my info saved under my account 1 hr before the launch, but when I check out all my info went blank...wtf? I had to reenter every single info. Luckily I scored a White Tee. I really thought I was too late..
The FB group is more tame cause you can see their pics

But seriously the FB group is more tame because a vast majority of us are just friends. No one is trying to get one over on another and those who aren't helpful are booted without hesitation. It's rough but it makes for an awesome group that helps each other week in and week out with no requirement of reciprocity. I know you guys hate on it for being "elitist" but like I said just go make your own with your friends so ya'll can help each other and feel comfortable doing so. 

I had my info saved under my account 1 hr before the launch, but when I check out all my info went blank...wtf? I had to reenter every single info. Luckily I scored a White Tee. I really thought I was too late..
It happened to a lot of people. I struck out at first cause of that reason and forgot to copy my cc number to not type it again.
somebody make a 2nd group for the lurkers and not good enoughs like me. haha.
Again, man, this is by no means a "we're better than you" situation. It's just if we don't know you, you aren't getting in. I think it would be awesome if there was another group like ours because then there wouldn't be this divide. It's not that serious. I see a lot of people complaining and 0 people taking action to make their own thing happen.

I had my info saved under my account 1 hr before the launch, but when I check out all my info went blank...wtf? I had to reenter every single info. Luckily I scored a White Tee. I really thought I was too late..

Yeah this is how I struck out today. Thought I was good when I saw the ELs worked and got hit with this surprise. Hope this isnt for now on

I had my info saved under my account 1 hr before the launch, but when I check out all my info went blank...wtf? I had to reenter every single info. Luckily I scored a White Tee. I really thought I was too late..
same here... luckily i was quick and still managed to get the white in L at 11:01
lot of people cooked today, I'm glad to see
 wish i coulda copped 1 or 2 more, got two buddies who really wanted but both bigger sizes then me
Couldn't care less about the FB group but I can do without the weekly "oh you guys are really missing out" posts. And then you wonder why it's a topic of discussion here. No one even mentions it anymore unless someone comes on here and tries to make it like we're missing some sacred thing
Anybody get order confirmation email but not shipping email? No bots, team manual.
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Couldn't care less about the FB group but I can do without the weekly "oh you guys are really missing out" posts. And then you wonder why it's a topic of discussion here. No one even mentions it anymore unless someone comes on here and tries to make it like we're missing some sacred thing
I'm not in here much anymore so I don't really see it but I have seen a good grip of gripe. And maybe I just don't see the people coming in here to stir the pot but seriously, it's a great way to help friends like a group PM. I know there's a lot of pushback against it (for some of the reasons you stated) but it's honestly a very positive thing. Again, I'm not trying to make everyone feel bad for not being part, I'm trying to encourage people to make their own. Love this thread and don't wanna see it turn into him vs me vs them vs us cuz it's really not like that!
Someone call Tensai?

Anyways I struck out today but thanks to the SupFB group I'll be getting both colors of the YOGO (sorry I had to lol)
The crying about not being in the group has to stop #letitgo..I find good deals all the time just gotta know where to look.
The crying about not being in the group has to stop #letitgo..I find good deals all the time just gotta know where to look.
Havnt seen anyone crying in along time all it is anymore like someone mentioned already is people coming in here bringing up how they are getting deals and bragging about the group. 

which i dont have a problem with but that is how everything gets started
somebody make a 2nd group for the lurkers and not good enoughs like me. haha.
The p
Couldn't care less about the FB group but I can do without the weekly "oh you guys are really missing out" posts. And then you wonder why it's a topic of discussion here. No one even mentions it anymore unless someone comes on here and tries to make it like we're missing some sacred thing
This if you have a good thing going its in bad taste to rub it into peoples faces.

I lowkey love these videos :rofl:

Supreme VIP list? :wow:

This is really what you guys in NY and LA go through?
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