Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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I drove down to Preme on Thursday cause I saw the 2 tone finally dropped. I went at like 6:45pm and still had to wait 5 mins on line to get in. :lol: :smh: ... My boy and I were literally the last two they let into the store. Of course the 2 tone was sold out. I asked and they said they might have some more on Monday or Tuesday so im gonna swing by then. I ended up copping the volt colored reflective hat and 2 of the CDG L/S (the blue and the red)

Thanks for telling me this, an employee said they weren't getting any more 2 tones :stoneface:
Lmao @ "real OGs".

Grown men shouldn't be spending hours of their life in lines to buy clothes. It's not one side's perspective. Everybody there are fools wild'n.

This. There is no two ways around this.

If you can line up wednesday night to buy clothes at 11 on thursday, I know you have a job. This is true for 99.999% of people in that line.

Hope you've never camped out for a single pair of kicks then

I did...... only twice...... when I didnt have a job. And only for 4 hours. Still a waste of time

Also most kicks come out on the weekends so there's that.
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There are real OGs in the line. Of course they don't interview them, the one time I lined up I met plenty of people who aren't spending their parents money. Pretty much any adult you meet has a good job if they can survive the rent rates of New York, yet alone find time to stand in line for a drop. Stop basing your thoughts on one side's perspective, it's childish.

Nobody in that line has an actual career b.

Maybe a job, or maybe some that do it once in a blue moon.

that's a ****** generalization to make about a bunch of people that you don't even know

I'm not throwing shade, it's just a common perception.

I don't have a problem with anybody lining up, nor do I have a problem with anybody that doesn't have a career. My point is, that the responsibilities of having a career won't allow you to do any of that.

This is just a fact.

Yeah, except for people who have careers that don't require them to work every weekday. Those careers are rare though like nurses.
1. You guys seem to think a career is a 9-5.

2. People have hobbies, this, compared to what some "grown men" do is normal by a long shot.
3. Nobody in those lines has a career? What about them moms waiting in line for their spoiled kids?
Whole concept of NT is just as corny as lineups.
Don't ever talk bad about Nt this is your only warning.
Guess that flew over your head so let me go in depth since you bit the bait with your flexing. 

Dude was saying camping for clothes is corny EAD. 

Back when the internet first started, if you had it. I'd have this preconceived notion that you where good with computers. I was poor so yea I was also hating if you had it. Iphone didn't happen yet either so I was like yea alright geek squad. 

Also thought online forums where corny. Think about it from the outside world. "Who would go to an online forum to talk about Nike shoes? It's beautiful out."

So to me, it's kind of stupid if you're talking trash about camping when you're an avid NT'r

First campout was for the first Star Wars prequel btw 
I've seen his thigh high shorts with the ankle socks, he's missing leg days. He don't want it. Keep that look in the in the bay parade 
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