Omarion & Marques Houston made a horror movie...

Dec 16, 2003
my boy just called me and told me he rented a horror movie starring Omarion and MH, i was like no way but apparently he's for real, did anyone actually seethis movie??? the trailer doesn't even have the movie guy with the voice it has some B-rate dude

Somebody Help Me
I kind of want to watch it now
Originally Posted by areyouin729

my boy just called me and told me he rented a horror movie starring Omarion and MH, i was like no way but apparently he's for real, did anyone actually see this movie??? the trailer doesn't even have the movie guy with the voice it has some B-rate dude

Somebody Help Me

i saw this at frys yesterday in the DVD section and was like the *!$$?�
thats wild that this post would come up...
Saw it at Blockbusters last month. I was actually surprised there were 2 copies out for rent instead of it being in the discount bin already
i remember hearing something about this a couple years ago but i figured it was just scrapped...

this is the kind of thing you randomly find ON DEMAND in the section
i would not mind being a B rate star but it's gonna suck when they hit their 30's and they are signing autographs in Sears
It comes on BET today at 3:30. I'm going to watch it with my girl just to have something to laugh at :LOL
It's coming on BET today at 3:30. I'm going to watch it with my girl just to have something to laugh at
im gonna get it today, my girl wants to watch a movie after she drags me around the mall so this is going to be her punishment
That movie was so wack, low budget and predictable. Two toes down!!!
uuugh these dumb "kids in the middle of the woods smoking/drinking, get killed by mysterious beings" movies

ima watch it nd see if its good, highly doubt it though.
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