Aug 4, 2004
Anyone else worried about finals coming up?

I got exactly 3 weeks!!!

I know some of ya'll got them in a week, or sooner, but I'm shooked!

Here are my tips:
Forget reading the book. Just do examples/exercises. You'll know the whole book by just doing exercises.
nope, im already done
3 weeks? What in the hell are you so concerned about; you have so much time. I thought you were going to say that they start on Monday for you...
mines aren't until June
, but it's my last quarter of undergrad so honestly I'm not worried one bit.
just finished today, good luck and by luck I mean start studying now.  I waited to the last week to study for 5 finals and it was hell.
Not sweating it. I'mma study this weekend, but Midterms were a breeze, so my confidence is high.

davidisgodly, I admire your diligence and dedication to your schoolwork, but you seem like your "_" close to a breakdown.
Mine weren't bad. As long as you do well with the majority of the class and keep a good enough grade, the final shouldn't be too much of a worry. I like to keep a little room to mess up on the final by doing better in the rest of the semester.
Mines are next week....

Math's the one I'm most worried about...

Cumulative finals FTL.
I set a 2 hour a day study period Mon-Fri before this semester that I would never break. Ive never felt better about taking finals.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I set a 2 hour a day study period Mon-Fri before this semester that I would never break. Ive never felt better about taking finals.
THis worked?! wow. I tried so hard to follow this regime. Instead I studied on weekends only. And.. needless to say... I went out fridya and saturday nighst
Only two of my professors are giving finals this semester and I'm sitting on B's in both classes. Not that worried. Trying to turn B into an A though.

I have one on monday and the other one on tuesday.
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