OMG .........Riders stuck 300 feet high after ride malfunction at California park

They didn't have this ride last time I was there. And I just realized this might be taller than Supreme Scream. I'd definitely be shook if I was stuck there for a certain amount of time.
Rode that ish *pause * twice this past weekend at carowinds in the Carolinas... Its nice but it's tall as fug, couldn't imagine myself being stuck for hours :x

Bring on the Lawsuits.
This would be scary as hell. I wouldn't mind being up there but the fear of knowing the ride isn't functioning properly would make me think at any moment it could just drop us or something.

Hope they all get some nice money
My sis says the carts on Superman at Fiesta Texas used to crash into each other, that would be ******g horrifying! This, I could deal with. I'd light one up.
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