On a "that just happened" note...People really asked for Obama's birth certificate though...Wow.

As I was just talking about...

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[h1]President Obama as an alien[/h1][h3]By E.J. Dionne Jr., Published: February 22[/h3]
They say that President Obama is a Muslim, but if he isn’t, he’s a secularist who is waging war on religion. On some days he’s a Nazi, but on most others he’s merely a socialist. His especially creative opponents see him as having a “Kenyan anti-colonial worldview,
Originally Posted by HankMoody

It's been better here for foreigners than most places. I don't see how you can refute this. The USA has been a foreign talent magnet for much of the past century.
If the USA is not the melting pot of the world and if such a thing exists, which country is?
On justice, well, recent high-profile articles by Former Justice John Paul Stevens and Adam Gopnik have freshly unearthed the problems of racial bias and privatization. But that isn't what you want to discuss now is it?

You seem to be only interested in refuting hyperbole. On that end, you've done a marvelous job. Congrats.

I think it's senseless to argue with somebody that clearly has his mind made up already.

Not for nothing:

I'm still trying to figure out what was wrong with the proposal John Campbell made to Chris Matthews.  As he pointed out, Obama wasn't the first candidate this argument has happened to.  If anything, the qualifications of becoming president are in the Constitution so why not make each candidate who runs confirm that they meet the qualifications.  We have already torn up enough parts of the governing rules of the nation (like going to war without congressional approval within 90 days).  Besides... he wasn't disclaiming Obama's citizenship, the proposal was for all candidates going forward.  Since Obama already provided his birth certificate it's a non-issue.
[table][tr][td]The Daily Show with Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]Indecision 2012 - President Evil[/td][/tr][tr][td]www.thedailyshow.com[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show with Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]Indecision 2012 - President Evil 2[/td][/tr][tr][td]www.thedailyshow.com[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
I really wish the vast majority of Republicans that don't like President Obama that fall into this line of thinking described would just say they don't like black people or minorities in general and get it over with.
the world is ran by those who control the resources. obama is simply a pawn being ran across the board to keep the attention on him. he is backed by the financial elite so he is teflon in washington.

his past is shady , and his motives arent much different than the rest of the candidates but he seperates himself by keeping a distance from congress....

racism is a reality , and its crazy people really hate others based on skin color. but hey its life.....

my advise is get money, live life and stay informed......
Originally Posted by devildog1776

the world is ran by those who control the resources. obama is simply a pawn being ran across the board to keep the attention on him. he is backed by the financial elite so he is teflon in washington.

his past is shady
, and his motives arent much different than the rest of the candidates but he seperates himself by keeping a distance from congress....

racism is a reality , and its crazy people really hate others based on skin color. but hey its life.....

my advise is get money, live life and stay informed......
If you ask me, Obama has one of the cleanest records of any major politician...and its astounding. I know if they could find ANYTHING they'd throw him under the bus. If you had some examples beyond Bill Ayers or Rev Wright, which were NOTHING, then i'd love to hear it.

Won't debate you here.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I really wish the vast majority of Republicans that don't like President Obama that fall into this line of thinking described would just say they don't like black people or minorities in general and get it over with.

Dog Whistle Politics



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Originally Posted by sillyputty

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show with Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]Indecision 2012 - President Evil[/td][/tr][tr][td]www.thedailyshow.com[/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show with Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]Indecision 2012 - President Evil 2[/td][/tr][tr][td]www.thedailyshow.com[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
Thanks for the DNC pep rally!  Much appreciated.

Frankly, more than anything else, it's the massive increase in spending over even what Bush did that's troubling.
America has taken such a down hill turn in the past decade or so with the we take care and portray ourselves it's such a shame.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Thanks for the DNC pep rally!� Much appreciated.

Frankly, more than anything else, it's the massive increase in spending over even what Bush did that's troubling.
I won't say that Obama is like a "god-send" or something...
But damn dude... compared to the alternatives that HAVE A CHANCE? 

He is it.

Ron Paul ain't cutting it either. 

I'd even give Huntsman a possible chance...or Gary Johnson. 

Third-parties won't cut it either. They'll just be independents with no form or function...Remember how well the Tea-Party worked out? 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by devildog1776

the world is ran by those who control the resources. obama is simply a pawn being ran across the board to keep the attention on him. he is backed by the financial elite so he is teflon in washington.

his past is shady
, and his motives arent much different than the rest of the candidates but he seperates himself by keeping a distance from congress....

racism is a reality , and its crazy people really hate others based on skin color. but hey its life.....

my advise is get money, live life and stay informed......
If you ask me, Obama has one of the cleanest records of any major politician...and its astounding. I know if they could find ANYTHING they'd throw him under the bus. If you had some examples beyond Bill Ayers or Rev Wright, which were NOTHING, then i'd love to hear it.

Won't debate you here.
Are we excluding the Solyndra debacle, appointing heavy donors to preferred embassy positions, and the preferred position of U.S. & Canadian unions in the GM restructuring from this debate?  If we exclude all of those (as a start) then ya, the guy IS fairly clean.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by devildog1776

the world is ran by those who control the resources. obama is simply a pawn being ran across the board to keep the attention on him. he is backed by the financial elite so he is teflon in washington.

his past is shady
, and his motives arent much different than the rest of the candidates but he seperates himself by keeping a distance from congress....

racism is a reality , and its crazy people really hate others based on skin color. but hey its life.....

my advise is get money, live life and stay informed......
If you ask me, Obama has one of the cleanest records of any major politician...and its astounding. I know if they could find ANYTHING they'd throw him under the bus. If you had some examples beyond Bill Ayers or Rev Wright, which were NOTHING, then i'd love to hear it.

Won't debate you here.
Are we excluding the Solyndra debacle

That was AS he was president. I mean before he became president. 

That being said, do you REALLY think they would have given them money if they knew the company would fail?

, appointing heavy donors to preferred embassy positions,

Like Jon Huntsman to China? 
And what president doesn't have "interests?" 

and the preferred position of U.S. & Canadian unions in the GM restructuring from this debate?

Is GM not a US company? 
  If we exclude all of those (as a start) then ya, the guy IS fairly clean.

My point exactly.
Besides all the stuff ALL presidents do like getting blood on their hands, the guy doesn't really have a scandal belonging SOLELY to him. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by sillyputty
That being said, do you REALLY think they would have given them money if they knew the company would fail?
Yes.  All the fundamentals were there showing that the company was going to fail.  Despite that, they chose not only to give them money, but to give a private investor liquidation preference over the government which until that point was unprecedented. 

Like Jon Huntsman to China? 
And what president doesn't have "interests?"

Sending Jon Huntsman to China was a brilliant political move on his part.  Not only did he send someone with a background in Chinese culture, but potentially a huge political threat in 2012 as well. 

Just because a president appoints donors to political positions doesn't make it right.  Can we agree on that?
Is GM not a US company?

And many of the bondholders who were wiped out as a result were US citizens as well.  point?

Besides all the stuff ALL presidents do like getting blood on their hands, the guy doesn't really have a scandal belonging SOLELY to him.
He's a lawyer.  Any good lawyer will put the liability on another party so when something DOES happen, he can claim he's clean.  However, any good leader will take responsibility for what happened under his leadership and take appropriate measures.  As Harry Truman said, "The Buck Stops Here"
Well if you care in Finland most think Americans are ignorant, fat, stupid, religious and well fat. And people wonder how things like the Janet Jackson superbowl thing can be a scandal. Because in here nudity is pretty normal. Men and women go to sauna naked so it's nothing special. 
Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Well if you care in Finland most think Americans are ignorant, fat, stupid, religious and well fat. And people wonder how things like the Janet Jackson superbowl thing can be a scandal. Because in here nudity is pretty normal. Men and women go to sauna naked so it's nothing special. 

I'm pretty confident nobody in America cares what Finland has to say on any subject. I think I hear Grendle attacking your fjord.
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by devildog1776

his past is shady 
Please explain.

This.. Obama spent his early career helping poor people in Chicago, how is that shady?


Stanley Ann Dunham worked for the Ford Foundation. The Ford Foundation is a CIA front group operating in East Asia. Barack worked for the Business International Corporation which is a economic intelligence gathering organization for the CIA. Obama took a trip to Pakistan in the early 80's also to make deals with the Pakistanis, India, and the Mujehadeen in Afganistan.

You people have to understand that the people who go to Yale and Harvard are bred to be in positions of power. Bush's, Clinton's, Kennedy's, ect. Even Anderson Cooper was a CIA operative.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Please explain.

This.. Obama spent his early career helping poor people in Chicago, how is that shady?


Stanley Ann Dunham worked for the Ford Foundation. The Ford Foundation is a CIA front group operating in East Asia
. Barack worked for the Business International Corporation which is a economic intelligence gathering organization for the CIA. Obama took a trip to Pakistan in the early 80's also to make deals with the Pakistanis, India, and the Mujehadeen in Afganistan.

You people have to understand that the people who go to Yale and Harvard are bred to be in positions of power. Bush's, Clinton's, Kennedy's, ect. Even Anderson Cooper was a CIA operative.
What if I told you that I knew ALL OF THIS (and you don't have proof of this) and still felt like Obama was the best person for the job out of the current field?
Hes no saint, but i'll be damned if anyone claiming (R) in front of their names makes a better case for the direction of this country.
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