Once yours always yours? vol. Jr Smith vs Joe Budden

Joe Buddens Pull all the bad females but then they All happen to leave him for a athlete ...Boi stay losing
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Once the next man touches her.. She's filth, its all over.

.. Call it pride if you want, but i'm not sucker, i know better.

so you're having sex with somebody else's "filth"?

I doubt any guy is naive to think a girl he's with doesn't have priors. The issue is when I'm messing with a chick and she goes and gets smashed by the next man. Her box depreciates. 

Is just an ego thing and is understandable....once you look passed that, she's the same girl you wife's up and unless she was getting slammed by a horse, her box is technically the same bro...with me I would feel worst and definitely won't take her back if she gets pregnant during that break...that's something I can't look passed.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Awww man, ksteezy your kind of cool.. don't play the fool. Once a #@e always a #@e - just because you do it.. doesn't make it okay for her to go sleep around. Its different for women.. she should always be a lady, if she's seeing someone fine.. but if she's just dating nd sleeping around.. no amount of love would make me take her back. Btw idc what anyone says lol - we're allowed to be promiscuous, not them.. they're princesses :/

: lol At all the so-called ladies that get their insides ripped on the regular by different dudes...yeah there are those that are obvious with it, but then there are those sleepers, every girl has the ability in them to slip up, to be just as promiscuous as us...if I break up with someone and during that break she decided to date, have sex, etc...and I decide to come back around...I would either deal with it or move on...allI said is if what I felt was strong enough, I'd be willing to look passed all that, at least to my knowledge she wasn't sleeping around while she was with me...not to say it won't hurt my ego, because of course it will.
I guess if y'all have history, i'm talking years.. than maybe, just maybe we could work things out.. nah nevermind lol changed my mind
, no way.. Personally i wouldn't be able to deal with the thought of someone else in her.

Regardless if we were together or not.. its just not right, but i may be already corrupted..  my opinion on women is biased, i've dealt with far too many :: humble brag :: its whatever lol.. i think every chick is
deep inside, they're just good at pretend lol.

- I simply couldn't do it.. maybe i haven't fully matured yet i guess.
Sloots gonna sloot.

-But shouldn't we be talking about JR Smith getting fined another $25,000 for that photo after he already lost over 1 millions dollars in China for missing practices. SMH
I'm sorry guys but I'm with K-Steezy on this one

not every girl is an Angel

agree with the obvious $$*$%, but if y'all aren't together, she has every right to sleep w/ whomever she chooses and if you still carry certain feelings towards her then it is what it is
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by CWrite78

so you're having sex with somebody else's "filth"?

I doubt any guy is naive to think a girl he's with doesn't have priors. The issue is when I'm messing with a chick and she goes and gets smashed by the next man. Her box depreciates. 

Is just an ego thing and is understandable....once you look passed that, she's the same girl you wife's up and unless she was getting slammed by a horse, her box is technically the same bro...with me I would feel worst and definitely won't take her back if she gets pregnant during that break...that's something I can't look passed.
You're right and I respect your opinion. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by CWrite78

so you're having sex with somebody else's "filth"?

I doubt any guy is naive to think a girl he's with doesn't have priors. The issue is when I'm messing with a chick and she goes and gets smashed by the next man. Her box depreciates. 

Is just an ego thing and is understandable....once you look passed that, she's the same girl you wife's up and unless she was getting slammed by a horse, her box is technically the same bro...with me I would feel worst and definitely won't take her back if she gets pregnant during that break...that's something I can't look passed.
I wasn't speaking on if she gets into a relationship after we fall out, cause that would be on me. I'm speaking if she out there dating and +$+**** around. I'd never wife up that type in the first place though, so technically she isn't the same chick I fell for. If you aren't involved in each others lives and she pursues another relationship that's a different story than if you still talk and intend on getting back together at some point. Maybe it's just me, but no way is anyone running up in what's mine if we only on a "break" 
I'd be good on her if I was Joey. Just go find a regular chick who doesn't even know who you are

But seriously, Joe needs to cancel her. Get his mind right. MOVE ON! She don't respect you or herself.
Joe should have never put her on camera.

I guess in her mind it is t a big deal cuz her $%+ has been on magazine covers but she's posing letting JR put her out there like that.
So did budden respond on twitter? I don't have one. Either way budden pulls a lot of nice looking birds.
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Once the next man touches her.. She's filth, its all over.

.. Call it pride if you want, but i'm not sucker, i know better.

amen to this. one of the realist things I've read here in a while
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

For some reason I am not feelin' her, she's whatever to me. Her face too

But when I saw this last night, I was like 

man ugh, is that a mullet? tahiry has always been ugly to me, even though i would rock, and how the flip is the NBA going to fine JR? on what basis? has he broken a rule? the nba is whack man, i would lawyer up for that amount of cake 
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Once the next man touches her.. She's filth, its all over.

.. Call it pride if you want, but i'm not sucker, i know better.
amen to this. one of the realist things I've read here in a while
Every blue moon when yall get with a girl I hope the last guy that smashed tells you all the nasty shh he did to her in detail.
Originally Posted by UHaveNoSole

Joe Buddens Pull all the bad females but then they All happen to leave him for a athlete ...Boi stay losing

LMAO, ay i didnt notice that until you said that man, yea he needs to drop that gay lisp and start workin out or somethin haha
More important part of the story to me is, on what basis can the NBA fine JR Smith? Do they legally have the right to do that? Sure, he's an employee of theirs, but at what part does the reach they can have in his life because of it come to an end? paging HovKid
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

More important part of the story to me is, on what basis can the NBA fine JR Smith? Do they legally have the right to do that? Sure, he's an employee of theirs, but at what part does the reach they can have in his life because of it come to an end? paging HovKid

THANK YOU, i know theres a ridiculous clause that states they cant tweet within 2hrs of a game ending, Brandon Jennings got taxed for tweeting something about getting played with calls 15 minutes after the game, but JR was clearly outside of that time restriction so idk what the NBA has up their sleeve
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