One Legged Wrestler Debate

vatech733 wrote:
very appreciated

but knowing every college wrestler has to learn how to use his body and use good technique, is there any advantage when you learn to use the one leg as well as he can compared to a wrestler who is just as good technically but has 2 legs?

He definitely has a strength advantage, and while the fact that he stays low to the mat the whole time certainly limits the type of attacks his opponents can do, its limits his own options as well. His NCAA Semi-Final against Ben Kjar is a great example of this. Kjar game planned about as well as I've seen anyone do, but Roble's strength was too much in the end.

What Robles figured out was how to make up for this later in matches when wrestlers are forced to wrestle on the mat. In smaller spaces, his strength becomes a much greater factor and he is able to tilt almost anyone to earn nearfall points. This is how he dominated.
I don't know enough about wrestling, but if being handicapped is an advantage 
 more power to him. 

You can't deny him his right to wrestle. Anyone who says it's not fair, obviously isn't thinking about the big picture.

Dude was born with one leg. That isn't fair. Life isn't fair. IMO people against it just have to deal with it. 

Dude is an inspiration to many 
I don't know enough about wrestling, but if being handicapped is an advantage 
 more power to him. 

You can't deny him his right to wrestle. Anyone who says it's not fair, obviously isn't thinking about the big picture.

Dude was born with one leg. That isn't fair. Life isn't fair. IMO people against it just have to deal with it. 

Dude is an inspiration to many 
He's a monster regardless IMO. I think the most impressive thing to me though is the fact he has this handicap but he still showed enough focus to excel and stay with the sport.
He's a monster regardless IMO. I think the most impressive thing to me though is the fact he has this handicap but he still showed enough focus to excel and stay with the sport.
To me the disadvantage isnt being able to take him down or anything like that but he has the advantage of using the weight that would have been in his other leg elsewhere aka his upper body.
To me the disadvantage isnt being able to take him down or anything like that but he has the advantage of using the weight that would have been in his other leg elsewhere aka his upper body.
This guy is a true hero. He should be hailed by everyone since he showed that having a huge disability doesnt matter
This guy is a true hero. He should be hailed by everyone since he showed that having a huge disability doesnt matter
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