One of my friends got raped, I've never gotten so heated in my life

how about posting somones private buisness on the net? you think she appreciates that? on a sneaker board?
she is anonymous and the news reports stories like this with or without the persons consent, they just dont release the name.
I never understand ppl posting personal issh on NT and this didnt even happen to you so its somebody else personal business
same issh with RIP threads whats da point? Do you need ppl you wont ever meet to embrace you and get e-condolences

Maybe he just wanted to talk about it. Is that hard to understand? Is it his fault that there are alot of immature kids on NT?

freedom of speech does not exist on a private message board.
I dont like what they say but private or not your contitutional rights cant be infringed upon. your membership of the board can however berevoked which is not censorship.
That's life man. Sorry, but rape, murder, kidnapping, stealing, etc. happens every single day. It may not happen to you or your friends on a regularbasis, but it happens everyday, every minute around the world. That's the reality of it.
i dont see how someone comes on a board full of random people and says my friend just got raped. what are you looking for "sorry to hear that"? i understand it's serious but come on. thats something private

Its kinda like you hear about something terrible happend to a family member or friend and then you post it on NT da %$$+ is that? Some ppl dont got their priorities straight I mean even if no names were posted Id like to know the point of this thread? thread starter???

Maybe the guy thought there were actually mature people on this board willing to discuss similar experiences...unfortunately, he was wrong. But seriously,think about it, it's a big world out wouldn't have been out of the question to believe that there might have been heads on this board whoknew someone that got raped, maybe he was hoping they would share or something of that nature.

And shame on you for basically calling out the threadstarter on his topic choice. Tell me, do you ask everybody on this board who makes a post that youdon't like: ' what was the point of the thread? '

You must be a busy man.
wth...why are people getting banned? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think women should go to jail for playing the I'm pregnant card...if they arereally not pregnant.
had to deal with this once in my life.....did not end well for homeboy, but depending on his bread situation he might not get that much time.....thats when thestreets have to act up....
I remember this thread....... from last year.

Damn, talk about digging corpses out of the grave...
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

Wait im so confused. This is like really old
[table][tr][td]LIKEEE WHOPPPPP[/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Posted: 11/13/07 11:09 PM
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The next post:

[table][tr][td]Vsano[/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Posted: 09/18/08 3:50 AM
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I hate how posts don't die now...they should at least be locked after 3months or so.
Originally Posted by kash55

I hate how posts don't die now...they should at least be locked after 3months or so.

Yeah like on ezboard..after 20 pages, it was history.
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