One of my proudest achievements...NT, I present you with Beer Wall


thats an OD amount of beer though
It's cool...but you did all that work and you're only going to be able to have it up for 3-4 months?
OP... do u know Damik Scafe?
Son, that's my family right there. How you know Damik???? Windsor Warriors FTW!

Oh yea, that Beer Wall is piffery. Takes me back to my hey days in college. I'm pretty sure we'd get along my dude
Save that piece of artwork, cuz. As president, I will declare that wonderful amalgamation a national landmark. Your work is a tribute 2 both the determinationand resolve of the American people and the spirit of liquor enthusiasts everywhere. Thank you on behalf of beer drinkers and bored ma@!az nationwide.

*I approve this message*
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