*** One of the coolest movies I've ever seen *** Full Movie

So after watching I must say that this movie impressed... the dramatic pauses were a bit much though
but I enjoyed it... the action was crazy and I couldeasily see this being a live-action movie... 8/10
Originally Posted by HardWork919

So after watching I must say that this movie impressed... the dramatic pauses were a bit much though
but I enjoyed it... the action was crazy and I could easily see this being a live-action movie... 8/10
wait its a cartoon?

Originally Posted by 35KD

I'll watch this. Any other movies I should check out on Hulu?

Oh yeah, the T-mac 3 Points documentary is nice
I suggest you guys watch it
That documentary was
Very interesting and got a lot from it. It is a good watch.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

what's that tmac documentary about?
Its about the problems going on in Darfur. He took a trip there and talked to the people and just had a personal account on what is going on withthe people in that part of Africa.
Originally Posted by HardWork919

So after watching I must say that this movie impressed... the dramatic pauses were a bit much though
but I enjoyed it... the action was crazy and I could easily see this being a live-action movie... 8/10

That was what I was thinking all along, a real version. Who'd play Maria and V?
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