One thing you hate about yourself...

Jan 29, 2009
Name one thing you hate about yourself...

me- im too controlling, i like to control every situation possible. if i cant, i get frustrated.
When i was in the 6th grade i played tackle football on concrete. Front teeth broke. I'm not happy with my teeth. Once i get that mill ima fix them.
i wish i was more positive.

ive always been a pessimistic person.

with help of meditation and learning of Buddhism, i hope i can change that
-im entirely too passive
-i start arguments(in a weird type of way you can learn alot about a person by arguin w/them at least imo) the reason why i hate this is because 5 min into itfor one reason or another im like wow why did i start this again
i procrastinate too much...i've never heard of anyone that procrastinates to the degree i do.
-I'm too self analytical and I second guess myself a lot which makes me second guess other people and their actions/motives.
-I procrastinate too much.
-I think about doing things but I never actually do them because I don't want to start something and not finish it so I'd rather not start it at all.

...sorry I couldn't just pick one thing.
Don't really hate nothing about myself .... but I hate something I did.....

I sold my mint condition '82 Coup De Ville (white leather, 100 spoke daytons, mint green, 1 owner, with only 30k miles) for $3000, for closing costs on ahouse. I was only 20 at the time and my IDIOT Realtor didn't tell me I could finance it in. I was using the rest of my money for furniture and stuff.
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