One thing you hate about yourself...

im not as confident as i wanna be.... i wanna bag chicks lol no disrepect .... ima fly dude but i jus dont normally go afta dem like othat dudes i no
i let fear (such as, projecting outcomes of situations and fear of others opinions) get in the way of my life too often.
haha like i said. No comp, and i hate NT on my iphone but that's me on the right of my avy. and I posted new years party pix a while back if you reallywant to do some research hahaha
im a sucker for love..i fall too hard too easily when dating..

i half *!+ alot.

i have a little bit of a temper
I overanalyze EVERYTHING
I dint take advantage of sports the way I should have when I was younger.
Slacked in high school, couldn't play sports my senior year
worked at *++@*!% CVS now I am in Community College
i have a complex that my head is small for my body,
so i've eliminated hats and other head accessories

i've also got some big %$$ teeth, but theyre chill i guess
I'm just too damn pretty...Gawd I'm too pretty

but seriously I do wish I could go to sleep faster, rather than taking a half hour to fall asleep.
-I don't take risks or do things out of my comfort zone very often.
my d size is so on point.. i get scared cuz the females gets to clingy and be always wanting more...

night.. the nyquil is kickin in.
I overanalyze and just generally think way too damn much.

Its hard for me to let something go if it hasn't been resolved.

Sometimes I'm too upfront and I wear my emotions on my sleeve. You'll never have to guess what I'm thinking.
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