Online Drug Kingpin Arrested

Smart for creating such a system, but dumb for being reckless as well as greedy thus causing him to get caught up by the FEDZ. You would think after he made a milli he would of stopped or fell back but nope.. not him. He made 187 million and has to forfeit 184 mill.... damn take what the streets/internet gives you and get out while its not hot. Life in jail NA not for this but 25-40 is definitely needed. And for those that understand the FEDERAL LAW SYSTEM, please remember that all your charges accumulate into a point system. so for every so many lbs of bud = X amount of points and so on. so thats how he got life.. Damn point system...
so the guy who ordered the hit on 5 people took the violence out of simple transactions...

last time i checked, the violence and sketchiness was mainly a problem of the trafficking/distribution side....

the dude looking for an eigth/ounce/other low amount is not at a high risk of getting robbed/murked anyway

you guys are delusional

There's MOUNDS of evidence supporting the fact that a federal agent was actually the one behind the hits.

I don't believe Ulbricht had a plausible motive and his profile doesn't lend itself to him deciding he should have people offed AFTER he's alrdy made his tenses of Ms
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The site collected 9.5 million in bitcoins and only 11.75 million exist.
Equivalent to $1.2 billion in sales and $80 million in commission

My dude was going in, wonder if we've ever crossed paths.


Son was cashing out!
Damn, he got caught in one of the most family-friendly libraries in the city. This is why I stay away from that Deep Web ****, everything can be accounted for.
so the guy who ordered the hit on 5 people took the violence out of simple transactions...

last time i checked, the violence and sketchiness was mainly a problem of the trafficking/distribution side....

the dude looking for an eigth/ounce/other low amount is not at a high risk of getting robbed/murked anyway

you guys are delusional
You clearly don't know what silk road was used for, and that's cool. Cats were not using that **** to move a few ounces or less. People were moving major weight on there. 
After getting these wack *** drugs in NYC
 get why someone would buy there stuff online. You gotta know the right people blah blah, don't give me no excuses, that your city has stepped on bunk. Yea i'm salty. Back to the discussion.
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