oOOH jebus. she is the definition of thick.

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

What's up with her left arm--I think ol' girl was tryna photoshop away the arm fat...

Always check the arms. That's a sure way to see if a woman is in shape or not. This pig ain't.
I love thick chicks but uh ya na

Nah she fat or big boned as she'd probably say in defense.

I might still smash if it's tight, warm, and wet.
She probably only looks decent on the internet and in pictures, face to face I probably wouldn't be interested at all
Originally Posted by nyybaseball423

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT




You. Are. Buggin'. I feel like the only people who don't like thick girls are the people who know for a fact that they can't handle them. Her waist to booty ratio is off the charts.

the only reason her thighs dont touch is cause shes obviously spreading them apart enough so they dont touch! basically...... FAT AND UGLY. you got no taste inwomen. i fear for you
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