Our government planned to create swine flu to lower population and vaccinate the whole United States and created fema camps to keep people locked in toeventually kill them and bury them in the 500,000 plastic coffins as a plan to create a new world order, and Niketalk discovered it...we need to open our eyesI mean how could we not see this coming.. I feel so stupid for not knowing this was happening.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I know ppl. I know the way ppl work. At this point, threads like these are cater yo yhe ppl that alreadyunderstand all possibilities. Were just preaching to the choir. The challenge lies in geting ppl to see what YOU see. Sorry to say (and I know because I'vetried) NT isn't exactly the kind of group that can I don't want to segment my people and cast them away. I want every si gle personalive to do what is neccessary. To ignore a group would be to ultimately concede.

If one cannot convince the most ignorant of persons, than there is no hope nor reason to fight. If delusion exists so strong that people cannot be convinced ofpure truths, then there really is no reason to convince them. But if it is the case that even the most stubborn human being can be convinced, then there ishope. Either way, in order for the urge to convince someone to exist, there must also exist a looming catastrophe. This is the issue first and foremost. Whatthat catastrophe is may not be 100% clear yet, but one must be convinced that there exists the possibility for chaos.

I can say more, but on iPhone
Originally Posted by ericescobar

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I know ppl. I know the way ppl work. At this point, threads like these are cater yo yhe ppl that already understand all possibilities. Were just preaching to the choir. The challenge lies in geting ppl to see what YOU see. Sorry to say (and I know because I've tried) NT isn't exactly the kind of group that can I don't want to segment my people and cast them away. I want every si gle person alive to do what is neccessary. To ignore a group would be to ultimately concede.

If one cannot convince the most ignorant of persons, than there is no hope nor reason to fight. If delusion exists so strong that people cannot be convinced of pure truths, then there really is no reason to convince them. But if it is the case that even the most stubborn human being can be convinced, then there is hope. Either way, in order for the urge to convince someone to exist, there must also exist a looming catastrophe. This is the issue first and foremost. What that catastrophe is may not be 100% clear yet, but one must be convinced that there exists the possibility for chaos.

I can say more, but on iPhone

what are you talking about
Originally Posted by stuntastic020

Originally Posted by ericescobar

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I know ppl. I know the way ppl work. At this point, threads like these are cater yo yhe ppl that already understand all possibilities. Were just preaching to the choir. The challenge lies in geting ppl to see what YOU see. Sorry to say (and I know because I've tried) NT isn't exactly the kind of group that can I don't want to segment my people and cast them away. I want every si gle person alive to do what is neccessary. To ignore a group would be to ultimately concede.

If one cannot convince the most ignorant of persons, than there is no hope nor reason to fight. If delusion exists so strong that people cannot be convinced of pure truths, then there really is no reason to convince them. But if it is the case that even the most stubborn human being can be convinced, then there is hope. Either way, in order for the urge to convince someone to exist, there must also exist a looming catastrophe. This is the issue first and foremost. What that catastrophe is may not be 100% clear yet, but one must be convinced that there exists the possibility for chaos.

I can say more, but on iPhone

what are you talking about
Spread the word.
Some typos in there. iPhone. Look, ppl are
goin to think there is NO chance of anything sinister ever happenin yo their beloved country. Some wholhartedly belive ppl exist with the intentions other pplcannot concieve of.

The ppl that understand the possibility for chaos, try to convince yhe ppl that don't understand, naturally. The ppl that refuse to believe undisputedtruth remain igneoant, while the rest of the ppl that believe in the possibility of sinister also remain unphased by those naysayers. Both groupthinks remainsso. Preaching to the choir is easy. The problem lies I'm getting the most stubborn of ppl to see what you see.

This thread, for instance, attracted a certain kind of person; those who believe in the things in question (sinister gov). Ppl that don't neccessarily havean understanding of the matter check out the "white mike" thread or the "I think I'm in love" thread.

What um getting at is that this thread isn't doing anything new. Maybe two ppl learn something here, but as a concerned group, we should find a loudervoice. I just find an embarassing futility in even typing this out.
Real Talk. First thing I thought was the quarantine camps will produce Zombies...

On a serious matter, this !#+* sounds serious. I'd be kind of reluctant to do it. I mean has this !#+* even been tested?

I refuse to be another Tuskegee Experiment (google). But this !#+* may get crazy in the U.S. real talk.

A revolution would be crazy.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Real Talk. First thing I thought was the quarantine camps will produce Zombies...

On a serious matter, this !#+* sounds serious. I'd be kind of reluctant to do it. I mean has this !#+* even been tested?

I refuse to be another Tuskegee Experiment (google). But this !#+* may get crazy in the U.S. real talk.

A revolution would be crazy.
I was thinking the same thing. I refuse to take the vaccine.
Originally Posted by stuntastic020

Our government planned to create swine flu to lower population and vaccinate the whole United States and created fema camps to keep people locked in to eventually kill them and bury them in the 500,000 plastic coffins as a plan to create a new world order, and Niketalk discovered it...we need to open our eyes I mean how could we not see this coming.. I feel so stupid for not knowing this was happening.
good to know you're so sure there's absolutely nothing wrong

me, well i'm not so sure about anything anymore

[size=+1]"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."[/size] -- WendellPhillips
Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

Time to strap up. I ain't payin shet. Nor will I let them vaccinate me. Thug life.
a moment later...
Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

Double Post.

Population control in the US? Doesn't make sense to me....if the US does this only to its citizens won't the rest of the world find out and gang up onthe US government for doing this? Why would they want to control the US population? There's not really a land crisis there....why wouldn't they justinvade Canada or even start a war with China or something rather than just offing a crapload of its own citizens? It doesn't make much sense, even with theconcept of NWO, even if they control America they're not gonna control the world, but I guess y'all self-centered Americans probably believe once theUS is under control the rest of the world will automatically follow....
that fema camp theory with the coffins is stupid. killing off a large number of the population would destroy the economy and really be the end of america'srun at the top. happened to the romans

so why would our own gov want to do that to themselves?
For those already knowing they will be unwilling to take the vaccine.

Get your gun liscense.

Start going to the gun range.

Buy as much guns and ammo as you can.

And meet me "underground", I feel I am chosen to lead the revolutionary war.

Not even joking.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Population control in the US? Doesn't make sense to me....if the US does this only to its citizens won't the rest of the world find out and gang up on the US government for doing this? Why would they want to control the US population? There's not really a land crisis there....why wouldn't they just invade Canada or even start a war with China or something rather than just offing a crapload of its own citizens? It doesn't make much sense, even with the concept of NWO, even if they control America they're not gonna control the world, but I guess y'all self-centered Americans probably believe once the US is under control the rest of the world will automatically follow....

What makes you think there isn't a overseer that has control over every country? What if this world is like the WWE? You have your superstars whoentertain. You have separate brands and titles but overall it belongs to a board of directors.
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger
You know whats funny? They were very popular and praised for their ways at one point until they ultimately destroyed WCW

The similarities...
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

As long as I get to witness my team win the world cup...

that will never h a ppen

I think people should go by the rule of being wary of any person or groups of people

I don't wanna speculate on this FEMA stuff though.
yeahh my teacher was talkin bout that more than 50% of the us population will catch swine flu.
mostly people who are in hospitals or other confined areas with a lot of people i.e shools.
vaccinations will be widely available.
good luck to all. :/
In the new world a lot of folks will be left behind, engineers, doctors, politicians, etc people of importance to society will be taken care of first whenthings get really messed up, I don't know if it will be 2012 or a lil later. We will have a massive population wipe out on Earth though.
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