Opinions on Late Night college courses vol. fml fml fml fml

Nov 14, 2008
my accounting class is 8:20 pm - 10:15 pm and sad thing is i had to find out the hard way...

i read my scheduele wrong...thought it said 8:20 AM to 10:15 AM

what are late night classes like?? is it filled with older people like a lot of people say??
mine is 6-850 which isnt that late and its all old people lol. but im in grad school... that wasnt the case for my undergrad.

edit: oh yea, find out if the teacher teaches an earlier class...she might let you attend her early class lectures
i have a 7-940 tonight...

depends on the class...when i had sociology 101 at the same time freshman year we got away with only coming on test days cuz the class was 200+ students and all he did was lecture...

gotta feel the teacher out first and act accordingly

def. eat before you go or bring something to eat in class....bring your laptop if you have one...

some teachers let you out a lil early...others go til the last !$#%#%@ second... @$*! boys
i looked up my teacher on ratemyprofessor is shes one of the best accounting teachers in that school which makes the class easier for me which is what i really need 'cause im horrible at accounting so i need someone with patience and understanding so this certain teacher is a must
I'm taking an international marketing class at nights this quarter and it's no different(besides it being dark as hell when I walk outside) than any of my other classes.
I've had this instructor before(including another class this quarter earlier in the day) so I kinda already knew it would be no different.

We don't get out early or anything...##%!#...but most classes do let out early from what i've seen.

oh, and it was a required course/only time the course was available if that matters, but there's mainly younger "traditional" students in there

I just realized I gotta take 2 more night classes next quarter though, gotta love being at the end of the curriculum and having limited times offered for courses
In Fordham at least, advisers will tell you to avoid night class as they are typically much easier.
Depends on how good you want to do.

Chances are the professors have their own day job and doing the teaching thing as a side gig. This means that by the time class starts, they are just as tired as you are.

Peope are usually older, meaning theyre a little more serious about their work, meaning you wont have as many distractions from students who are fresh out of high school.

Sometimes women may be easier to smash because theyre grown %+@ women not lookin for little kid games.

Then again you might strike out and get nothing of what I just mentioned.

All depends. Good luck.
not having to deal with unruly (see: younger) classmates (they tend to prefer day classes)
most night classes only meet once a week
the whole day to finish papers (procrastination FTL!)
having peers who are serious about education & no butt f___ery, either.
Is this a once-a-week course?

If so, I advise you dropping it for an earlier class. Those are the worst. It doesn't help you're not good at accounting.

From my experience, late classes can be a pain, but when you need that class and you have no room in your schedule for any other time slot, you'll find a way to make it work.
you'll regret it...I had stat last semester from 7:30-10...it was the worst
intro to religions 7 pm - 9:45 pm

i always tell myself i'm gonna register for classes early but it never happens and i always get stuck with night classes
Originally Posted by chris steez

all the earlier classes are closed
Just go to one of the profs and ask them if they'll let you in. It's best to ask them in person.
I personally love late classes. I got one today from 6:30-9:15 and another on thursday. I just feel more relaxed and ready to pay attention.
The latest course I've ever taken was 5:30PM-6:45PM, but I enjoyed it. The professor was much more relaxed and often let us out early because he was teaching all day, too. You do get the older, less "traditional" students because it's at an hour they can get to after working their day jobs. I've been stuck like that before, too, with the end of the curriculum coming and they only offer one time slot for a required course--most of mine are online, though... which is a whole other post.
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