Orange Is The New Black // Netflix Original Series from the creator of Weeds


I don't think she's dead.

Also...anyone else notice the track star is actually kinda nice looking in her flashback? She looks like a total **** in prison.

Said the same thing when they flashed back :evil: then :smh:.

Better be more than one asian next season too.



show is a sleeper, great story isk why but the spanish women all looked hot to me, the teeth of the white girls was too much though

The 2 young Latinas got me sweating when they were grinding on each other at the Christmas pageant auditons.

Would marry Morello if her dude dropped her. Got a thing for short, cute brunettes and her accent doesn't bother me.
Just watched 5 episodes in a row. Gotta say I've been pleasantly surprised at how good it is. Definitely didn't expect it to be this entertaining.
She's only been in there 4 months. Also, the show creator plans to continue with or without Piper and focus on some of the other women

This sounds great. I just hope it doesnt end up like OZ in the last couple of seasons where it went kooky and the entire original cast ended up dead including narrating wheelchair guy :lol:
Taryn Manning is perfect for this.  I was wondering where she was before Pennsatuckey even appeared

Tastyee and Nichols are my favorite characters
Are Taystee and Pousey friends outside of acting? The chemistry the two of them have is hilarious. Their white people impersonation had me dying.

Seriously can't wait for season 2
The show did a great job of trying to humanize characters, like Pornstache, after we've seen so much of them.

That's one of the reasons the flashbacks are so great.. I kept looking forward to seeing a flashback to see what made a certain character the way they are.
Just finished the last episode of the season and was impressed. Anyone else notice how Red is always tryna be sneaky and it always backfires on her, happened w/ Pornstache and w/ the kitchen :smh: Glad to see Piper finally comin face to face w/ her demons too. Should make for a good season 2
I just started it (watching as I type) based on the recommendation of someone who viewed the first four episodes.

Hope I share your opinion of the show.
Holden . :wow:

Dude is gonna come back and ban everyone in here if he ends up not liking it.
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It certainly takes a few episodes to get into it and from that point it's more enjoyable.

Saw the episode where the troubled teens visit right after that one similar show on A&E was on. Contrast was stark.
Yeah, I wasn't blown away by the first episode, but once you get into a groove it's hard to stop watching.
just finished the last episode...
:smokin at the ending, the meth head prophet had it coming.
glad to see larry finally man'd up.
where is the warden in all of this? I mean with all the **** happening
the warden never shows up to try to take control of the prison.
and how the heck did that fat chick get a dog, i didnt know inmates
were allow to have pets lol.

overall it was a great first season, cant wait for the 2nd :smokin
I'm going to start incorporating the Crazy-Eyes head slap when I get nervous around women.
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