Original meaning of the N word

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Everything you said is pretty spot on. Thats all "metaphysics" really is, a starting point.

Codified theories of Universal observation.

For instance the Hermetic principle of "As above so below" as you stated, answers the "what" of the universe but it was the more tangible physical sciences of architecture, astrology and masonry, which delves into the "how" and enabled the building of the pyramids. They go hand in hand.
I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed.

-Albert Einstein, 1954
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

YOU'VE the one who has been insulted?... so you post a reply with a picture of a character that is portrayed as developmentally disabled... clearly directed toward Joe Camel.

you're clearly delusional...or just someone who is feeling themselves a little too much with their so called knowledge that too high to explain to "simpletons"

gotta love the arrogance
It was directed at you and whoever for not reading what I said. I answered a question. You may not understand my answer yet butI answered the question. As as for the vampire remark it was satirical. Dude said he didn't believe in a spiritual world so I said that an way to ask "how do you exist with out spirit?" way. It's just that the side of the debate I'm speaking from gets no love till you understand. Why do ya'll think there is such vast polarization on the issue? What do you want me to explain about the picture to make it politically correct for this board since my point is being missed.  It's ok for dudes to use words that are censored at me, call me crazy and off the rocker yet when I answer a question ya'll act like I threw a bag of bees. This subject matter is no joke even though ya'll will try hard to make it one. I guess i should have said lol or put a smiley face so I don't sound like a militant negro
.  And on top of all that you come in here threatening me to take it else where or you'll make it happen like we fighting at a bar or something.  
Plus Stuart says "Look what I can do". It was a retort and that's why I put the pic up because that's what they dude says. I never called dude a ******. It was just implied by you. Why are you so sensitive over a picture like that. I though as a moderator you would be more mature in your stance than that.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

YOU'VE the one who has been insulted?... so you post a reply with a picture of a character that is portrayed as developmentally disabled... clearly directed toward Joe Camel.

you're clearly delusional...or just someone who is feeling themselves a little too much with their so called knowledge that too high to explain to "simpletons"

gotta love the arrogance
It was directed at you and whoever for not reading what I said. I answered a question. You may not understand my answer yet butI answered the question. As as for the vampire remark it was satirical. Dude said he didn't believe in a spiritual world so I said that an way to ask "how do you exist with out spirit?" way. It's just that the side of the debate I'm speaking from gets no love till you understand. Why do ya'll think there is such vast polarization on the issue? What do you want me to explain about the picture to make it politically correct for this board since my point is being missed.  It's ok for dudes to use words that are censored at me, call me crazy and off the rocker yet when I answer a question ya'll act like I threw a bag of bees. This subject matter is no joke even though ya'll will try hard to make it one. I guess i should have said lol or put a smiley face so I don't sound like a militant negro
.  And on top of all that you come in here threatening me to take it else where or you'll make it happen like we fighting at a bar or something.  
Plus Stuart says "Look what I can do". It was a retort and that's why I put the pic up because that's what they dude says. I never called dude a ******. It was just implied by you. Why are you so sensitive over a picture like that. I though as a moderator you would be more mature in your stance than that.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Everything you said is pretty spot on. Thats all "metaphysics" really is, a starting point.

Codified theories of Universal observation.

For instance the Hermetic principle of "As above so below" as you stated, answers the "what" of the universe but it was the more tangible physical sciences of architecture, astrology and masonry, which delves into the "how" and enabled the building of the pyramids. They go hand in hand.
I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed.

-Albert Einstein, 1954

Just to be clear here's that quote with some context:

"I am convinced that we can discover by means of pure mathematicalconstructions the concepts and the laws connecting them with eachother, which furnish the key to the understanding of natural phenomena.Experience may suggest the appropriate mathematical concepts, but theymost certainly cannot be deduced from it. Experience remains, of course, the sole criterion of the physical utility of a mathematical construction. But the creative principle resides in mathematics. In a certain sense, therefore I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed."

Einstein believes that it is possibly to use solely mathematics to describe and understand all the natural phenomena around us- the universe itself. But experience alone only gives us clues as to what mathematical concepts are appropriate; it will be human thinking and creativity that puts all the pieces of the puzzle together.

I'm not implying that you misunderstood it, but I'm just trying to clarify- Einstein wasn't speaking in metaphysical terms when he spoke of thought "grasping reality."

The "ancients" did in fact dream of this, and they tried to do so.  But I agree with Einstein's idea that math will be the foundation upon which some sort of unifying theory that quantum physicists search for will be built.

While philosophies like Hermetic Principles may in fact have been profound theories ahead of their time (With a little modern touch-up perhaps? The Kybalion was published in the early 20th century.), it's next to impossible they were discussing the quantum physics modern scientists are just now beginning to understand. What are the chances these rules were written with any sort of awareness of the underpinnings of quantum mechanics? Unless they were new additions added by the modern-day authors, exactly zero, right? There would be no possible way for anyone of that time period to observe the universe on such a small scale. And even if by some miracle hey could, they lacked the modern mathematic advancement that would allow them to make sense of it all.

Eh I don't know. If indeed this Vibration Principle arose before the publication of The Kybalion it would be a lot harder to write off. 

As for the pyramids.....was that a metaphor or are you speaking literally? I know people have all sorts of theories as to how the pyramids were constructed but I'm not sure if you're referring to that or not.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Everything you said is pretty spot on. Thats all "metaphysics" really is, a starting point.

Codified theories of Universal observation.

For instance the Hermetic principle of "As above so below" as you stated, answers the "what" of the universe but it was the more tangible physical sciences of architecture, astrology and masonry, which delves into the "how" and enabled the building of the pyramids. They go hand in hand.
I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed.

-Albert Einstein, 1954

Just to be clear here's that quote with some context:

"I am convinced that we can discover by means of pure mathematicalconstructions the concepts and the laws connecting them with eachother, which furnish the key to the understanding of natural phenomena.Experience may suggest the appropriate mathematical concepts, but theymost certainly cannot be deduced from it. Experience remains, of course, the sole criterion of the physical utility of a mathematical construction. But the creative principle resides in mathematics. In a certain sense, therefore I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed."

Einstein believes that it is possibly to use solely mathematics to describe and understand all the natural phenomena around us- the universe itself. But experience alone only gives us clues as to what mathematical concepts are appropriate; it will be human thinking and creativity that puts all the pieces of the puzzle together.

I'm not implying that you misunderstood it, but I'm just trying to clarify- Einstein wasn't speaking in metaphysical terms when he spoke of thought "grasping reality."

The "ancients" did in fact dream of this, and they tried to do so.  But I agree with Einstein's idea that math will be the foundation upon which some sort of unifying theory that quantum physicists search for will be built.

While philosophies like Hermetic Principles may in fact have been profound theories ahead of their time (With a little modern touch-up perhaps? The Kybalion was published in the early 20th century.), it's next to impossible they were discussing the quantum physics modern scientists are just now beginning to understand. What are the chances these rules were written with any sort of awareness of the underpinnings of quantum mechanics? Unless they were new additions added by the modern-day authors, exactly zero, right? There would be no possible way for anyone of that time period to observe the universe on such a small scale. And even if by some miracle hey could, they lacked the modern mathematic advancement that would allow them to make sense of it all.

Eh I don't know. If indeed this Vibration Principle arose before the publication of The Kybalion it would be a lot harder to write off. 

As for the pyramids.....was that a metaphor or are you speaking literally? I know people have all sorts of theories as to how the pyramids were constructed but I'm not sure if you're referring to that or not.
My dude Joe handling his business

Good discussion on both sides.
at taking a part of a quote like that.

Too much sports on my mind right now.
I'm trying to reel in some Knicks lunatics right now. I'll read through this again later.
My dude Joe handling his business

Good discussion on both sides.
at taking a part of a quote like that.

Too much sports on my mind right now.
I'm trying to reel in some Knicks lunatics right now. I'll read through this again later.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^people were throwing unnecessary insults though

He came in here and offered up his own interpretation of what Tor was insinuating with his use of the Stuart pic when the Stuart pic wasn't even directed @ him in the first place so he had no reason to take offense to it and jump in the argument and attack people.

As a mod shouldn't you be trying NOT to instigate and incite unnecessary conflict.  Talkin bout you don't care about the subject at hand…then why bother coming into the thread just to derail the topic trying to tell people how to debate ("gotta love the arrogance"…the irony) and offering nothing substantial to the discussion.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^people were throwing unnecessary insults though

He came in here and offered up his own interpretation of what Tor was insinuating with his use of the Stuart pic when the Stuart pic wasn't even directed @ him in the first place so he had no reason to take offense to it and jump in the argument and attack people.

As a mod shouldn't you be trying NOT to instigate and incite unnecessary conflict.  Talkin bout you don't care about the subject at hand…then why bother coming into the thread just to derail the topic trying to tell people how to debate ("gotta love the arrogance"…the irony) and offering nothing substantial to the discussion.
Originally Posted by eghckk

then why bother coming into the thread just to derail the topic trying to tell people how to debate

Because he's an admin?
That's what he's supposed to do on here. Browse topics and make sure people aren't crossing lines.
Originally Posted by eghckk

then why bother coming into the thread just to derail the topic trying to tell people how to debate

Because he's an admin?
That's what he's supposed to do on here. Browse topics and make sure people aren't crossing lines.
I try to avoid posts like these because these sort of debates always devolve into this sort of nonsense.  About 90% (not 89 or 91, but 90%) of what was stated in this thread is complete garbage.  I'm too lazy to go through claim by claim though.  I'll keep it brief:

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
- Quantum mysticism is complete nonsense.  The movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" is complete nonsense.  There are kernels of truth within the movie that are twisted in unbelievable ways.  If your only encounter with quantum mechanics is this film then I would beg you to pick up an actual physics textbook and educate yourself.  

"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics" - Richard Feynman

- Albert Einstein was not religious in the same sense that the Pope is religious.

"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." - Einstein

- All languages are not derived from one.  The Bible does not count as evidence for anything, as this is not Sunday school.  Anyone citing it as evidence to prove any historical fact and not using it as a moral/spiritual guide is sorely confused.  No credible scholar/historian/scientist uses the Bible as evidence for anything.

- Just because something is a precursor to something else does not necessarily mean it deserves credit for everything that happens after.  My great great great grandparents had sex and I was one of the results of that, but I don't give them credit every time my balls itch and I stop to scratch it.  I scratched my balls, not them.

Lastly, what meaningful difference is there if the word used to mean one thing instead of another?  Who really gives a %@*+?  Language evolves over time.  If every time we found out a word we use now used to have a different meaning, a very significant portion of our language would need to change.  The "F word" used to mean "to strike".  That fact, in and of itself, doesn't mean we should go back to that meaning.  Try replacing "hit" with !!*! and see how your week goes.
I try to avoid posts like these because these sort of debates always devolve into this sort of nonsense.  About 90% (not 89 or 91, but 90%) of what was stated in this thread is complete garbage.  I'm too lazy to go through claim by claim though.  I'll keep it brief:

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
- Quantum mysticism is complete nonsense.  The movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" is complete nonsense.  There are kernels of truth within the movie that are twisted in unbelievable ways.  If your only encounter with quantum mechanics is this film then I would beg you to pick up an actual physics textbook and educate yourself.  

"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics" - Richard Feynman

- Albert Einstein was not religious in the same sense that the Pope is religious.

"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." - Einstein

- All languages are not derived from one.  The Bible does not count as evidence for anything, as this is not Sunday school.  Anyone citing it as evidence to prove any historical fact and not using it as a moral/spiritual guide is sorely confused.  No credible scholar/historian/scientist uses the Bible as evidence for anything.

- Just because something is a precursor to something else does not necessarily mean it deserves credit for everything that happens after.  My great great great grandparents had sex and I was one of the results of that, but I don't give them credit every time my balls itch and I stop to scratch it.  I scratched my balls, not them.

Lastly, what meaningful difference is there if the word used to mean one thing instead of another?  Who really gives a %@*+?  Language evolves over time.  If every time we found out a word we use now used to have a different meaning, a very significant portion of our language would need to change.  The "F word" used to mean "to strike".  That fact, in and of itself, doesn't mean we should go back to that meaning.  Try replacing "hit" with !!*! and see how your week goes.
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