Ouija Board Vol. Curiosity Killed The Cat

I wouldn't mess with it. You could be inviting a spirit to enter your life and follow you around. Just food for thought.
Put it this way, what good experience have you ever heard involving a Ouija board? Do what you want G, butI personally will never @!%# with one...
Originally Posted by 23Jordancollector

Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by 23Jordancollector

Originally Posted by seniosoul


I tried it once.

Summoned Biggie Smalls of Brooklyn.

I asked him who killed him, he said he didn't know.

I asked him what he thinks about Jigga right now, he told me that BP>RD, which surprised me.

I asked him if he'd rather be on a Swiss beat or a Neptunes joint, he responds by saying Just Blaze.

I asked him what he thinks about Puff now, he says he loves him and Puff is doing his thing.

I told him we miss him, he told me that "he's still here."
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

I asked him what he thinks about Jigga right now, he told me that BP>RD, which surprised me.

I would've believed it had you left that part out.
I tried it once... nothing happened at first... all hell broke loose later that week....
Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

I asked him what he thinks about Jigga right now, he told me that BP>RD, which surprised me.

I would've believed it had you left that part out.
I am NOT lying.

The question went something like this...what do you think of Jigga?

the piece went from a b-l-u-e-p....

Then I asked, better than RD?

and the piece went to y-e-s.

I am NOT kidding....i was
...then kinda shook
Originally Posted by 23Jordancollector

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

I tried it once... nothing happened at first... all hell broke loose later that week....

LOL! You super curious about these Ouija experiences, arent you!? lol.. But I'm not gonna lie. I want to know to..
the only way to get rid of that board is to burn it!!!dont f with that,its real evil.my mom and dads homeboys started messing with it one night and 3 of themdied within that year.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by 23Jordancollector

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

I tried it once... nothing happened at first... all hell broke loose later that week....

LOL! You super curious about these Ouija experiences, arent you!? lol.. But I'm not gonna lie. I want to know to..

Yeah man, thats why I'm bumping the thread so much. I NEEDZ TOKNOW. This stuff is intriguing.
not exactly sure what it is but i dont think i'll ever try it. but i'm also interested in knowing about it what does it do? you ask a question andsomething moves and tells you the answer?
Originally Posted by frankthekingdtx

the only way to get rid of that board is to burn it!!!dont f with that,its real evil.my mom and dads homeboys started messing with it one night and 3 of them died within that year.

I heard you're not supposed to burn it.
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