Ouija Board Vol. Curiosity Killed The Cat

^^^maybe post these rules or a link to them, cuz i pretty muc hdecided im doin this on friday with some girls i know
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Man so I guess it's legit

Do they have youtube videos??

too scared to search
I posted a Youtube video from Penn & Teller. It was pretty interesting.
: { I Advise yall to not mess with it. Done it when I was little n I'm still shooked But most importantly if you play it and when ur done u have toask the spirit if u can leave. If it lets you leave your good but if it doesn't let u leave u gotta burn it. If you hear screams when u burn the boardsomethin bad is goin to happen.
Originally Posted by niCke1z

: { I Advise yall to not mess with it. Done it when I was little n I'm still shooked But most importantly if you play it and when ur done u have to ask the spirit if u can leave. If it lets you leave your good but if it doesn't let u leave u gotta burn it. If you hear screams when u burn the board somethin bad is goin to happen.

Thats what I read. I read that if you burn it and it screams you'll die in 36 days and all those who hear it.
. And from what I read, you can end the session by telling the spirit its over and moving the plachette to good bye.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep


I tried it once.

Summoned Biggie Smalls of Brooklyn.

I asked him who killed him, he said he didn't know.

I asked him what he thinks about Jigga right now, he told me that BP>RD, which surprised me.

I asked him if he'd rather be on a Swiss beat or a Neptunes joint, he responds by saying Just Blaze.

I asked him what he thinks about Puff now, he says he loves him and Puff is doing his thing.

I told him we miss him, he told me that "he's still here."
^^ you have to ask the spirit to leave n it will bring you to goodbye if it decides too. You can't do it yourself bruh
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

guys, Im 17 and havent cried for years, only three times since i was around ten when someone died, and just readin this and writin now has my eyes watering ridiculous and my whole body itchin. I swear this is true. Im buggin, I think this is real!

and when i said my itunes started playin, i listened to the whole song and right when it was done my parents call me to come for dinner. They say theyve never touched it, but my dad who is the biggest critic of spirits and that stuff told me that it is ungodly, if anything at all. thats really weird coming from him...
Uhhh... what are you talking about?
yo weird thing just happened...
I went to my sister and told her some stories you guys posted.
she was def. freaked out, and from then on - we were talking about spirits and what not.
I came back, my time on my laptop changed to 6:21... when it was 9:21PM (EST).
And beforehand, I was SURE that the time was on point before I left.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by Datnggag

So after reading this post I called my Fiance to ask her if she ever played..and as im talking to her she is telling me she played when she was a younger with her cousins..and this clay pot her dad had in the basement fell off the shelf,and the doors started slamming.So while im on the phone my mouse starts moving on my computer @ work..and starts clicking on my start menu..I got shook as hell..and I jumped back from my screen..

Turns out it was my IT manager @ work doing a system update..he sent me an email saying he was going to do it, but i guess being so caught up in my conversation I didnt see it..

Not paying attention FTL!
Look at the video I posted a few pages back. Ghost apppears when they playing and thhey straight shook lol
Originally Posted by chubbz301

My dad said he messed with one and when they asked for the demons name it wrote out "Satan"

he came to my house and slept over and he woke up in the morning asking me if i was sleeping beside him because the whole night he felt someone breathing down the back of his neck

some weird stuff....

Especially those stories about the Ouija boards coming back after people ditched them... I hope you guys aren't making these stories up.
Originally Posted by 23Jordancollector

Originally Posted by niCke1z

: { I Advise yall to not mess with it. Done it when I was little n I'm still shooked But most importantly if you play it and when ur done u have to ask the spirit if u can leave. If it lets you leave your good but if it doesn't let u leave u gotta burn it. If you hear screams when u burn the board somethin bad is goin to happen.

Thats what I read. I read that if you burn it and it screams you'll die in 36 days and all those who hear it.
. And from what I read, you can end the session by telling the spirit its over and moving the plachette to good bye.

That would suck, you know how many people would WANT to hear the board scream just to know its legit.. then 36 days later, "Hey dude that ouija board islegit, I used it bout a mo ----^------^---^--------- *flatline*
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