Ouija Board Vol. Curiosity Killed The Cat

Originally Posted by 23Jordancollector

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by DunkNForce


and do you guys ever hear what goes on at SOME pentecostal Churchs, maybe some of you guys are Members of a branch of it

im to lazy to google it for you guys, but basically,

These people Get possessed by the HOLY SPIRIT, Speak in tongues, and receive messages from God.

I didnt believe it at all, Then i had a friend who doesnt even believe in God go to a church with a different friend who was pentecostal; He saw some of this possession and is now a firm believer in God. weird man.

there was a guy in my platoon in bootcamp that said he was pentecostal and seen this old lady that had trouble walking getting possessed by the Holy Ghost and that She started running around church getting everyone to stand up and praise God(Jehovah). This lady was like 80 + I guess even the Newspaper did a article about this and everything bc it happens on a fairly regular basis with her. Pretty crazy.

Possession by the Holy Ghost is another topic worth discussing here IMHO

Another weird SUPERNATURAL event, that is REAL, STIGMATA! I've heard of saints that were very developed spiritually have this happen to them. I rember 20/20 did a story on a woman from Mexico or somewhere in Europe who had this happen to her, on live camera too. How do you explain Blood and open flesh wounds just starting up out of no where. These people get possessed/ get into a trance.... Its a wild world we live in.

With a bright mind Anything you dream is possible
Exactly. I had a friend, who i knew very well, who was all into this ouija ##+# and was fascinated by the devil. He was a gangbanger, smoked weed, sniffed coke, stole cars, all that ##+#! Anyways he went to a retreat one weekend to follow some girl he liked (wanted to smash) and came back the next Monday with a CRAAAAZY !*+ story. He changed completely. He told me he saw jesus and that he can talk to him. He also said that when the pastor put his hand on his forehead that he started to throw up blood, and that blood represented the evil spirit he had. In other words he was possesed! He said once he got that last bit out that he felt this great relief and extreme happiness like he's never felt before. That was 3 years ago. I see em around campus now and he still the same. That ##+# really changed his life.

Now he's one of those guys who you see at the mall that try to talk to you about god and their crazy past and you think they're full of ##+#. This guy ain't lying though. Sadly I haven't kicked it with him after that. It's just not the same.





Originally Posted by cronicmole

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

ya'll keep uffin around and watch.....

i talk a lotta smack...but messing with the spiritual world is a no no...

i aint one for Bible Thumping...but spirits are very real....

it's not a coincidence...from things I've read to accounts one of my best friends told me (his mom's a ward in a mental institution and his dad's a Pastor from the Phillippines and told they us stories about encounters with demons and possessed ppl) to my family in Jamaica knowing ppl who practice "obeah" (witchcraft)...

pick your poison...
school me more about "obeah" ......what is that they do in this practice?
Some people dabble in obeah here as well I live in the Bahamas by the way... one woman was treating some Hatian Immigrants horribly so they told her they would get back at her and she kept on getting skinnier and skinnier and kept dreaming she was in a corn field which can be interpreted as Death call ducktales if you want but witchcraft is very present in the Caribbean. That Lesser Keys of Solomon *%+! sound scary as #%#% by the way
I m scared to read it
Similar thing happened to my dad. his grandmother was into witchcraft and was a practicing Obeah woman in trinidad. when he was born he was 3months premature and they didnt think he was going to live. supposedly his grandmother didnt like my grandma and put a curse on her for marrying mygrandfather. then after my dad was born he kept getting sicker and sicker and had some horrible ear infection thing. idk im trying to remember the story. thenmy grandmother took him to this pastor to get blessed and prayed for since they thought he was going to die. when they did that some giant like pusey deadlooking glob thing came out of his ear...like whatever the thing was that was making him sick just came out and he stopped breathing for a little bit. then hecame back or whatever. then a 6 months later his grandma died and her leg like turned black and basically took on the appearance of what had fallen out my dadsear.

i was never allowed to play with a ouija board and i have no desire to do so. i would love to talk to my mom again but i can wait until im dead. no use riskingtalking to the devil
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Muy interesante. Muy..

Growing up in church, I've seen ppl speak in tongues and all that. The Bible explains it as the Holy Spirit in the person praying in other tongues. I've been in services where ppl have been healed...so i cant really doubt any of this... .
You do realize that tongues isn't a real language right? It's not like they are speaking latin and never learned latin in their entire lives. I'll speak in tongues right now, its just gibberish.



What's this pless ?
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by cronicmole

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

ya'll keep uffin around and watch.....

i talk a lotta smack...but messing with the spiritual world is a no no...

i aint one for Bible Thumping...but spirits are very real....

it's not a coincidence...from things I've read to accounts one of my best friends told me (his mom's a ward in a mental institution and his dad's a Pastor from the Phillippines and told they us stories about encounters with demons and possessed ppl) to my family in Jamaica knowing ppl who practice "obeah" (witchcraft)...

pick your poison...
school me more about "obeah" ......what is that they do in this practice?
Some people dabble in obeah here as well I live in the Bahamas by the way... one woman was treating some Hatian Immigrants horribly so they told her they would get back at her and she kept on getting skinnier and skinnier and kept dreaming she was in a corn field which can be interpreted as Death call ducktales if you want but witchcraft is very present in the Caribbean. That Lesser Keys of Solomon *%+! sound scary as #%#% by the way
I m scared to read it
Similar thing happened to my dad. his grandmother was into witchcraft and was a practicing Obeah woman in trinidad. when he was born he was 3 months premature and they didnt think he was going to live. supposedly his grandmother didnt like my grandma and put a curse on her for marrying my grandfather. then after my dad was born he kept getting sicker and sicker and had some horrible ear infection thing. idk im trying to remember the story. then my grandmother took him to this pastor to get blessed and prayed for since they thought he was going to die. when they did that some giant like pusey dead looking glob thing came out of his ear...like whatever the thing was that was making him sick just came out and he stopped breathing for a little bit. then he came back or whatever. then a 6 months later his grandma died and her leg like turned black and basically took on the appearance of what had fallen out my dads ear.

i was never allowed to play with a ouija board and i have no desire to do so. i would love to talk to my mom again but i can wait until im dead. no use risking talking to the devil

that story is pretty crazy.... i feel you on that though on talking to your mom.. i always thought about doing something to see if i could communicate with mydad. dont know if its possible but after reading all of this i rather wait till im dead to
i watched like 7 or 8 of them, pretty interesting

i started wikipedia everything, and i been on wikipedia for the last hour or so just reading about everything
I watched "The Ether".
PT. 11 is not loading for me though.

It's going to have me looking at doorways from now on for Mojos.

The teratoma tumour thing is crazy though.
this is weird, my girlfriend was talking about playing ouija on friday and how coincidental that now i see this post.

hhmmm, i haven't really believed in spirits like that. but these stories come up too often to be coincidental
supposedly his grandmother didnt like my grandma and put a curse on her for marrying my grandfather. then after my dad was born he kept getting sicker and sicker and had some horrible ear infection thing. idk im trying to remember the story. then my grandmother took him to this pastor to get blessed and prayed for since they thought he was going to die. when they did that some giant like pusey dead looking glob thing came out of his ear...like whatever the thing was that was making him sick just came out and he stopped breathing for a little bit.
The teratoma tumour thing is crazy though.
That's what that sounds like...
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

supposedly his grandmother didnt like my grandma and put a curse on her for marrying my grandfather. then after my dad was born he kept getting sicker and sicker and had some horrible ear infection thing. idk im trying to remember the story. then my grandmother took him to this pastor to get blessed and prayed for since they thought he was going to die. when they did that some giant like pusey dead looking glob thing came out of his ear...like whatever the thing was that was making him sick just came out and he stopped breathing for a little bit.
The teratoma tumour thing is crazy though.
That's what that sounds like...

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