Our World W/out WAR>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Nov 8, 2007
I sometimes wonder what the world would be like if war, colonialism, imperialism, manifest destiny and all that other junk that has shaped the world into whatit is today.

What would have happened if all those civilizations were left undisturbed throughout history. What kind of world would we live in?
What kind of technological progress and innovations would have been made? We always here about all kinds of technology that was discovered thousands of yearsago, but never got out to the masses and was lost because of war and such things.

IMO, I think we as a human race would have reached the level of technological advancement we have today hundreds to maybe even thousands of years ago.

What do ya'll think?
We would still be in caves cowering in fear of the dark. Aggression (and by extension, war) were and still are in many ways absolutely necessary for ourdevelopment and survival.
Technology would suck.

People will still live in villages in their "comfort" zone just chillin like Smurfs

Fear = Advancement
Yup many of the technological advances we have today came as a result of war directly or indirectly....but it makes u think.
We always here about all kinds of technology that was discovered thousands of years ago, but never got out to the masses and was lost because of war and such things.
interesting point. my take on it is that technological innovations have always come about through the collaboration of thinking human beings. when people operate collectively in such an organized fashion, i would assume that they would grow in numbers, and thus seek more formal, official means ofgoverning themselves. hence the formation of city-states, and then nations.

when you juxtapose multiple nations with conflicting interests and agendas, irrespective of technical, social, or philosophical progress, wars naturally erupt. then that same technology that might have led to a printing press or a hot air balloon could be used for military industrial effect.
We might actually have a democracy instead of being scared of our government.

If you think the united states isn't a democracy, go look at some of the "democracies" in Africa, Asia, South America. You talk as if we'resome 3rd world country still struggling between systems. Tell me, why are you scared of the government? What do you do that makes you scared of them? Are youseriously out there everyday pissing your pants thinking the man is gonna get you? I don't get it.

As for the question, war = advancement.
Technology might be different than it is now since there wasn't an exchange if ideas but there would be technological advances. They would just occurdifferently in different places and at different paces. Instead of exploiting people different from themselves people might find reasons to exploit the lowerclasses of their own societies even more.
We might actually have a democracy
the united states is a constitutional republic, and its founders never intended for it to be a democracy. they viewed democracies as tyrannical,and representative of mob rule.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

We might actually have a democracy instead of being scared of our government.

If you think the united states isn't a democracy, go look at some of the "democracies" in Africa, Asia, South America. You talk as if we're some 3rd world country still struggling between systems. Tell me, why are you scared of the government? What do you do that makes you scared of them? Are you seriously out there everyday pissing your pants thinking the man is gonna get you? I don't get it.

As for the question, war = advancement.

Because of the things they do in Iraq...

I'll give a few examples...

The whole thing where the Iraqis tore down the statue of Sadam was a hoax. The Americans tore it down and staged it so they could play it on the news.Also, we bombed some Iraqi news stations so the American people wouldn't see the bombing of innocent villages...
War is a part of man. All of those civilizations would have eventually grown to be so big, that they interfere with one another, thus creating war. Man'sdesire for exploration led to the discovery of new lands, which lead to imperialism and colonization, and which led to war.

This thread is kinda alarming.

"No war=no progress"


Al'right, fam.
Because of the things they do in Iraq...

I'll give a few examples...

The whole thing where the Iraqis tore down the statue of Sadam was a hoax. The Americans tore it down and staged it so they could play it on the news. Also, we bombed some Iraqi news stations so the American people wouldn't see the bombing of innocent villages...

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Black people would still be slaves...So im pro war.

Care to explain your logic?

im pretty sure if instead of fighting and exploiting each other we would try to co op with each other there would be no slavery
im pretty sure if instead of fighting and exploiting each other we would try to co op with each other there would be no slavery

It's not always by color. People enslave others of their same kind...it's been like that for ages. If it isn't color it'll be some otherphysical feature or based off religion or different beliefs. Racism is not isolated to just skin.
war is innate ... it goes hand in hand with survival
while in present day society these innate behaviors have been vastly exploited .. there would be no propagation of the human race w/o the instincts andbehavioral patterns that is witnessed in the battles that become war.

For those that stated technology might have been more advanced I think the opposite is true life would exist on a far more primitive stage .. the drive forpower that helps fuel wars created a snowball effect for better survival techniques and easier means of survival this was then trickled down into every daylife now .. heck the advanced surgical techniques and medicinal discoveries resulted from hands on learning during WW1&II

war in my belief is the result of our deep desires for power and to become more powerful, aided by how short fleeting feelings of the resulting happiness ...as one becomes more powerful he seeks more powerful "enemies" in order to attain this happiness

hell why is it that i feel better after i spank someone 28-27 in madden, yet feel disgust beating that same person 42-3
if there were no war, that would mean humans never had emotions to begin with. war is inevitable due to human emotion.
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