Our World W/out WAR>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Originally Posted by jhawkcuse10

Originally Posted by roback1991


This thread is kinda alarming.

"No war=no progress"


Al'right, fam.

One example. Penicillin.

Don't forget M&M's
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Because of the things they do in Iraq...

I'll give a few examples...

The whole thing where the Iraqis tore down the statue of Sadam was a hoax. The Americans tore it down and staged it so they could play it on the news. Also, we bombed some Iraqi news stations so the American people wouldn't see the bombing of innocent villages...



Let me ask you a question. Without any living creature perishing, how would we know what the heart is? Well, I could tell you that it could be done withoutkilling any humans. All we would have to do is take an animal and cut it apart until we discovered what we think the heart is. Then we could assume that we ashumans have one as well and if it was removed we would die as well.

Which leads me to my point. What makes us think that we as humans are more superior than the animal we cut up? Furthermore, if my tribe is faster, stronger andpossesses more knowledge about the world than another tribe, whats to stop me from thinking that my tribe is more superior than the other tribe?

Unfortunately, you can't look at the world without war because war is tied in with many different things in life with the main one being competition.

If you wish a world without war, then you wish a world without competition.

If you wish a world without competition, then we wouldn't have made it out of the pond. The fact is that war is the side effect of competition.
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