OZARK [A Netflix Original Series | Season 3 | 2019??]

Season 3, Episode 7 Reactions

  • The therapist showing up in the transformer :rofl: :rofl:
  • FBI Agent needs to fall back
  • Frank Cosgrove Jr is a POS for beating on Ruth like that :smh:
  • Marty going off on Frank Cosgrove :wow:
  • Wyatt looked mad then shook as hell that Darlene snitched on himself :lol:
  • Sue (the therapist) wildin :rofl: :rofl:
  • Ms. Davis handled the FBI agent but you can see the fracture between her and Marty growing
  • I was thinking they should kill Sue after pressing them for more money. Sho nuff she got what she deserved
  • Got damb, Ruth looks like ****
Season 3, Episode 8 Reactions
  • Hopefully going through the Therapist’s belongings doesn’t come back to bite Marty in the ***
  • Ben needs to chill. Young snatch got him wildin :smh
  • Glad Marty won the battle against the special agent but I hope he wins the war. I think she and Agent Evans still have one big move left in them
  • Jonah’s suit looking :pimp: and he got the kiss from Erin?!! My man :smokin Just hope he’s not getting played
  • *******. BEN. I hope he gets what he deserves.
Yeah I'm still on 6...and I'd say it's pretty obvious after hearing Wendy drop the backstory.

Can you not mix viagra and lexapro or some ****? Homeboy about to make a bad situation worse for some Ruth box :smh:

:rofl: :rofl: Had me thinking the same thing. If I’m making that type of decision, you gotta be a dime that’s letting me shoot up the club
Season 3, Episode 9 Reactions

  • Ben is a ******* lunatic. The acting in the intro was really good
  • Frank Johnson has Mike from Breaking Bad vibes
  • I’m lost on the Ruth and Frank interaction
  • Ms. Davis eviscerated that cop :wow: Those are the times when she’s :pimp:
  • BEN HAS BEEN BULL****TING THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!? Nah famb. Cancel that man ASAP.
  • Ms. Davis made the right choice leaving Ben. Glad she broke down over it too because she talks that talk like she’s unflappable but she ain’t **** frfr
Season 3, Episode 10 Reactions

  • The baptism :wow:
  • Helen trying to push the Byrde’s out the paint :smh
  • Marty’s monologue to the special agent was on point
  • Ms. Davis is losing it. She’s not built for this life.
  • Jonah got his first kiss now he got some bass in voice and is slamming doors. His uncle just got touched so he better tread lightly
  • All this drama surrounding Ben’s death needs to stop. Let that man go. Ruth better not **** this up.
  • Darlene :wow: :wow:
  • This Helen vs. Byrde Gang + Ms. Davis beef is intense AF
  • This baptism is giving me Admiral Ackbar vibes #ItsATrap
  • I was gonna day Jonah is cut from his mom’s cloth until that penultimate scene. Who did he blast with da shotty?!?
  • NAVARRO!!!!!!!!!!
I’m curious to hear others takes but overall I’m pleased with this season. Binges sometimes conflate things so I know yall will point our things I missed
Hmm finished. And I'm thinking for the whole first half of the season nothing really happened. I also think they should have focused on Marty more. This season was the Wendy/Helen show.
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I'm over this show. Watched all of season 3 ep 1 and it just didnt grab me like season 1, I've lost all attachment/investment in these people

I loooved the first two seasons but I watched the first episode of Season 3 last night and I feel you on it not grabbing me like previously. I felt like nothing at all was happening for like 50 minutes of the 60 minute episode :lol: I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and keep watching cause I loved the first two seasons so much
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