Painting Nike Air Max 90's

Aug 5, 2006
Whats good NT, I got a question here for you customizers. Whats the best way to paint the midsole of a shoe mainly on an Air Max 90, the heals are chipping andsome of the paints wearing off. So I wanted to re-paint them with white.
i read this all the way through, basically acetone with cotton balls to take of the paint, and then just acrylic paint to re-paint the bottoms.
if any of you guys that do customs got any tips feel free to throw em my way

edit-forgot to add the step of masking out the area which im painting as well
I really dont think theres a set answer for painting midsoles. I know of no way to paint hard rubber like AF1's or Dunks, etc, and I've tips onpainting foam soles like AM90's etc, but I really think that no matter what kind of paint/process you use, its gonna chip/crack/peel, so I'd say dowhatevers easiest cause more than likely, youre gonna have to do it again

and again

from what I remember though...prep the area....mix a high quality acrylic paint with textile medium to add to its flexibility(this may also may it the paintmore transparent which means more coats of paint)...paint on in VERY light/think coats. let the paint dry completely between coats.

pray for the best
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