Can't debate. Just throw a tantrum. Why isn't Hamas wearing uniforms? Numbers don't matter... But they matter. Just all over the place throwing **** at the wall and if you say something enough times... It doesn't make it so
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There was a call for a truce like last week that Hamas rejected
If you believe that you're living in a fantasy world.
And Im stating this from now, I will not be responding to any Israel-supporters/sympathizers in this case, there's nothing much for you to argue here. Your country is a terrorist state, lead by terrorist leaders making terrorist decisions - regardless of how you try to justify it.

Now the true colors come out.
Can't debate. Just throw a tantrum. Why isn't Hamas wearing uniforms? Numbers don't matter... But they matter. Just all over the place throwing **** at the wall and if you say something enough times... It doesn't make it so

They were wearing uniforms....IDF ones.
Can't debate. Just throw a tantrum. Why isn't Hamas wearing uniforms? Numbers don't matter... But they matter. Just all over the place throwing **** at the wall and if you say something enough times... It doesn't make it so


This is an awareness thread, not a debate thread! I suggest you make your thread. Get out of this one if you're trying to post your fantasy-land reasoning.
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Report me to an administrator if you feel I am not worthy of being a moderator.

My moderator abilities have been put aside for this thread, I have been posting nothing but factual information here. This is a thread to bring awareness to those who are not aware of the innocents being killed by the 100's everyday in Gaza.

This isn't a war, it's an onslaught massacre of innocent people.
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Report me to an administrator if you feel I am not worthy of being a moderator.

My moderator abilities have been put aside for this thread, I have been posting nothing but factual information here. This is a thread to bring awareness to those who are not aware of the innocents being killed by the 100's everyday in Gaza.

This isn't a war, it's an onslaught massacre of innocent people.

I'm not a child, I don't need to report you to an administrator. I don't really care that much.

Tell me more about how this isn't a war when 25 IDF soldiers have been killed by terrorists and Israel is fighting to destroy a terrorists arsenal full of rockets and underground tunnels.
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You have one side who's killed close to 600 people, of which 85% are innocents.

Than you have the other side who's killed 28 people, of which 85% are military.

Hmmm. Seems like a legitimate war huh.
There was a call for a truce like last week that Hamas rejected
If you believe that you're living in a fantasy world.
So a cease-fire wasn't proposed? Ok. Hamas isn't some noble force for justice. In their attempt to fight "monsters" they themselves have become "monsters". They hate israel so much that they will continue their futile efforts while their countrymen are killed because they have finally shown the world what monsters Israel are and that's exactly what they wanted. You couldn't buy press this good.

And Animal Thug is a good dude. I have never seen him abuse his moderator abilities. This is just a really personal subject for him.

If I was in his situation I would feel and be doing exactly the same and you guys would too so there's no need for gibing.
I'm not a child, I don't need to report you to an administrator. I don't really care that much.

Tell me more about how this isn't a war when 25 IDF soldiers have been killed by terrorists and Israel is fighting to destroy a terrorists arsenal full of rockets and underground tunnels.
you do know the difference between a soldier and a child, right?

They're fighting on land that is rightfully Palestine's
you do know the difference between a soldier and a child, right?

They're fighting on land that is rightfully Palestine's

And we're living on land that was the Native Americans.

It has been Israel since 1948 and they've fought for the land and will continue to be Israels.
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You have one side who's killed close to 600 people, of which 85% are innocents.

Than you have the other side who's killed 28 people, of which 85% are military.

Hmmm. Seems like a legitimate war huh.

Yes, only because there are no rules or ettiquette in war. Are you upset because its a mismatch? If you wanted yo rid terrorists, wouldnt you wanna destroy them all?

You cant expect war or retaliation to be fair. You cant expect your enemies to attack just your.military and leave woman and children alone. That is just silly. If you understand war and history you would know, and in doing so will realize why the Israelis are going on with the onslaught.
You have one side who's killed close to 600 people, of which 85% are innocents.

Than you have the other side who's killed 28 people, of which 85% are military.

Hmmm. Seems like a legitimate war huh.

One side protects. The other side glorifies.
If Hamas are terrorist, what does that make Israel?

Terrorist in uniform; and in technically-advanced weaponry? Seems legit.
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And we're living on land that was the Native Americans.

It has been Israel since 1948 and they've fought for the land and will continue to be Israels.

This man knows. War in history has always been about conquest. So are we to say, we took land from thr apes ot dinosaurs? Gaia‘s hypothesis?

To be blinded ignorantly at a particular event is just amateurish. This is just how it is. What‘s important is how you carry yourself.
it's not palestine's if israel took it....

They didnt even need to take most of it. Parts were bought and parts given to them.

And Israel had their land taken from them . Oh wait. Maybe it's the Romans' land. Or British? Maybe Americans should go find the nearest native American and sign over their deed. Maybe texans should hand over their homes to Mexicans. Do you know how many groups can claim land is theirs?

Look at the last names. People in "Palestine" came from Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia etc. It was a region it wasn't even a state with a gov't. people have this fantasy that there was a place called Palestine for the last 2000 years that was never touched or changed and some Jews came in and grabbed it randomly when nobody was looking

The residents in Brooklyn got their homes taken from by the Brooklyn nets for Christ sakes.

This is a complicated issue and Israel will never give up their right to a state. So the only thing there is to discuss is the best way to go from here that helps everyone. A pragmatic solution
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"A wise man told me "don't argue with fools 'cuz people from a distance can't tell who is who""
I'm done arguing with people who blindly support israel regardless of the facts. It's like arguing with a supporter of the kkk no matter what you tell them they are just going to disagree and state some obscure fact out of context to try and justify what is going on there.
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Adding on to what Animal Thug posted, this is a continuation of Israel's systematic genocide against the Palestinians since Israel's foundation.

Read the articles by prominent international lawyer Francis Boyle. He does a great job proving his points of how Israel has been committing genocide against the Palestinian population.

Here's one article:
Gaza genocide and criminal rogue Israel
They didnt even need to take most of it. Parts were bought and parts given to them.

And Israel had their land taken from them . Oh wait. Maybe it's the Romans' land. Or British? Maybe Americans should go find the nearest native American and sign over their deed. Maybe texans should hand over their homes to Mexicans. Do you know how many groups can claim land is theirs?

Look at the last names. People in "Palestine" came from Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia etc. It was a region it wasn't even a state with a gov't. people have this fantasy that there was a place called Palestine for the last 2000 years that was never touched or changed and some Jews came in and grabbed it randomly when nobody was looking

The residents in Brooklyn got their homes taken from by the Brooklyn nets for Christ sakes.

This is a complicated issue and Israel will never give up their right to a state. So the only thing there is to discuss is the best way to go from here that helps everyone. A pragmatic solution
Stop stop stop.

Crock of b.s. all over. One thing to give actual history and one thing to give lies of history. How about you stop reading pro Zionist Israeli history and find the true history.

This is despicable Zionist rehash of denying Palestinian history, identity and culture. Trying to erase a whole people to deny their value and existence. Get that nasty, filthy, racist rhetoric spewed by that excuse of a human being Golda Meir out of here with the "there is no such thing as Palestinians". Ladies and gentlemen look no further than this post as a systematic ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Any sound and true historian will tell you most of what you said is outright wrong information. Stop reading Zionist textbooks and sources and you will see the truth for once.

Stop being brainwashed and wake up. Here's a factual history of the conflict:
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[@=/u/40146/useref15]@useref15[/@] or any other supporter of Israel, I'm respectfully asking if you guys can start your own thread please.

I think most of us have reached a point where the geopolitical debates are over, and we would like to be able to discuss this without an argument after every post. The initial thread title was about Palestinian charity, the thread title was changed to make people aware of the other side of this that isn't presented in mainstream news.

There's been a lot of healthy debate that I'm sure we all learned from, but we've now reached a point where we're just going in circles and essentially saying the same things. And when that point has been reached, it means it's time to shut down the debating.

So whether it's a Palestinain-Israeli debate thread, or one that's only dedicated to the Israeli side, please be mature about it and dead the back-and-forth arguing for now and share your views in a thread that's not to raise awareness about life for the people of Palestine.

It would just get locked. There's no point.
no it wouldn't.....Palestinian supporters have no interest to step foot in there....I can't speak for all of us but I'm sure they wouldn't 

I'm with @Mr Marcus on this. Just set the precedent in the OP that the thread is not for debating the Palestinian side, and it's to discuss the Israeli side of the situation. You can link this thread for those who want to post about the plight of the Palestinian people. According to your response, you don't want to do it because you think it would get locked. Stop assuming and just give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen? In the unlikely event that the thread does get locked, you would just post back in here.

It's gotten to a point where it's a lack of courtesy to the posters in here trying to discuss something amongst one another without arguing, and trying to raise awareness about the side of this that people have not heard about over countless years. It's also imo a lack of courtesy when you just skim over discussions about civilian's and children's deaths to bring up the same redundant points that have been discussed and debated multiple times already

It'll take literally 5 minutes tops, and end going in circles. And it would be the courteous thing to do.
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So you think it's a good idea to have two separate threads where people can read/hear what they want... and not have to ponder the other side? this is healthy to you? whatever. enjoy the circle jerk and patting each other on the back. no more posting from me. see you
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