Panhandlers in Your City?

Was at a kfc one time. And this one homeless dude went inside asking for money to get food. I said no. He went to some latinos and he started to rub his stomach like he hungry. Latino dudes asked him what number from the menu he want.dude was like no i need money for the food. :rofl:
Having a dog (s) is definitely one of them.

All of this.

Here in MT literally everyone, if not everyone the 97% of people have a dog, if not then a cat. So the ones who really catch people are the ones sitting with a dog.

Dogs dont know any better theyre just there with their owner being loyal. But as dogs do they just lay there and people feel bad so they drop cash in the box/hat/bucket etc .. My lady always says how sad or or wrong it is to habe the dog out in the heat/cold as well, im like well i certainly wouldnt give up my best friend cuz im homeless.

Whenever she sees then with a dog she says something about giving them dog food. Dude would probably grab the food and throw it at us :lol:
I feel like homeless folks don't even be panhandling anymore you got regular folks out there begging. I don't know nobody situation but you'll see a family of 4 out there, moms & pops looking able bodied and they asking for help. In my city you gotta go to a certain section of town to encounter legit homeless ppl & half the time they don't even be begging.
iono i cant be mad at them...just doesnt bother me for whatever reason, even if its obvious they are just asking for cash...

its sad tho b/c for the folks that actually need it, studies have been done where its actually cheaper to provide housing for homeless folks
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1. If you're homeless and white I think you're just wasting your privilege.

2. If you're good looking and homeless you need to learn to hustle sex for resources. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

3. If you're under 35 and homeless you get no love unless you're extremely handicapped.

4. My reply, when I feel like giving one, is I have kids to feed.

5. I lived in my car once. Hustled **** to get off that.
Funny I seen this thread. seen kids this morning literally no older than 10 selling pictures they drew on notebook paper for $1 each and folks were buying them on the subway. Da hustle mentality in NYC stars young
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One of those story tellers caught me outside of a restaurant walking with my girl. I got in my car, and instructed my girl to do the same, began pulled up to my drivers side like "I am with my kids, car broke down yada yada".... So I back my car out like I'm gonna give money then just pull out 0-60 in 4 seconds while she telling her duck tales.
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I NEVER give money. I will only give them food. I figure if you really need it because you're hungry, then I got you covered.
I feel like homeless folks don't even be panhandling anymore you got regular folks out there begging.

Thats how ive felt lately when seeing them. Every so often ill pass a man or woman that actuakly looks homeless.
Had a woman come up to me at the gas station the other day and ask me for $35. I almost fainted. 
Ppl be selling waters on the side of the off ramps. Windex window cleaners (they be making more than I do. they got a whole restaurant today :nerd: ). I work the night shift, so just as Im getting off and sweaty as hell, I see these people just standing there at 9am (as others are going to work). I feel it in my heart. GET A GOD D#$@ JOB! I guess ignoring is my key anymore.

Funny story OP. This lady in a van with handicap plates was patrolling a neighborhood Cost Plus Market parking lot. She stopped me as I parked and sort of boxed my car in. As I started walking in, she rolled her window down and was sort of rambling on about how she was just two blocks away by the highway off ramp and her wallet was stolen as she was trying to get gas. In the back of my mind, why wouldnt she stay at that location and call the cops. I was willing to offer my cell phone up for her to call, but she wanted gas money to get back home :smh:.

For every genuine homeless person, there are the same amount of tweakers and scammers.. I just dont have it in my heart to help anymore. Others in my family still are able to drop some $$$ though. I cant hate what they feel is right.

Other sightings... People openly asking for money with Big Gulp sodas in their grasps.. Headphones for whatever musical device they are listening to as they ask for money. And people with cigarettes in their mouths as they openly ASK for money.. People have gotten brave.
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The ones selling waters on the strip and on the bridges in Vegas ... bless those people.

I know they make some nice change
Had a woman come up to me at the gas station the other day and ask me for $35. I almost fainted. 

[emoji]128514[/emoji] Ppl hold af nowadays. Like man if you don't back yo dusty *** up talking bout some damn $35 dollars
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Other sightings... People openly asking for money with Big Gulp sodas in their grasps.. Headphones for whatever musical device they are listening to as they ask for money. And people with cigarettes in their mouths as they openly ASK for money.. People have gotten brave.
That's the thing too, every single pan handler i ever met smokes cigarettes. I even see some with phones. There's a homeless guy that hangs around my apartment that collects bottles so sometimes i'll give him $10 of bottles if i catch him at the right time. 
They be asking to use my CC straight up out here in SF. :lol:
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They be asking to use my CC straight up out here in SF.
like in the store or they got the credit card reader on their phones 
It's gotten a lot worse here lately.Recently the city started a program offering anyone panhandling a job cleaning up around town for 9$ an hour.Im not sure how many,if any choose to participate.A local reporter went undercover as a panhandler a couple days ago and averaged 40$ an hour.
Like that idea from the city.

Rarely give money out since I never really have cash, but the times I have done it, it was only if they looked old.
Mainly white people in my area, most homeless people here have mental issues. I don't be dropping change though, stopped that mess. They all for a little if u give it, they ask for more. Last time I have something was an older black woman saying she was diabetic and needed something to hold her to get home. Asked for orange juice then as I'm ordering, a sausage biscuit, she lucky​ they was only a dollar at the time. Lol
They be asking to use my CC straight up out here in SF. :lol:

:lol: :lol: thats a new one.

for real. one guy was like, i got square on my iphone :lol:
i was like, "no way, do you want a pear to eat?"
his response, "is it organic?"

but it's sad/depressing situation. work in the mission and see all the homeless encampments. the problem has gotten much worse

what about those ladies with the baby/kids outside the Bart Station? i am surprised cops allow that, since the children should be in school
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for real. one guy was like, i got square on my iphone :lol:
i was like, "no way, do you want a pear to eat?"
his response, "is it organic?"

but it's sad/depressing situation. work in the mission and see all the homeless encampments. the problem has gotten much worse

what about those ladies with the baby/kids outside the Bart Station? i am surprised cops allow that, since the children should be in school

Thats wild :lol: they not up on that hustle out here, at least not that ive seen.

I take old clothes down to this one neighborhood that has a lot of shelters and homeless people whenever i gather up enough clothes. Most of em are appreciative esp when the weather starts getting cold. Feels good tho when im down there and they recognize me (i rock a big beard) and come talk to me. I wont ever give anyone money but i got no problems buying food/water or giving clothes.

It is sad, u right. I look at it like thats someones son/daughter/sister/brother etc. True a vast majority have addiction problems but there are some that have had a rough go and were dealt a tough hand. Always bothers me when i see people treat em like they arent human. And the kids... Man thats the **** that really truly breaks my heart...
If you look like a fiend or a drunkard you get no burn. You play something or dancing maybe.

They ****** up with me,though. Because I work with a non profit organization that has 2 homeless shelters that I run the budget for. So I give my card now. I tell them you really bout it bout it, hit me up and I'll try and get you in.

It's been 10 months since I've done this. Not a single one.
for real. one guy was like, i got square on my iphone :lol:
i was like, "no way, do you want a pear to eat?"
his response, "is it organic?"

but it's sad/depressing situation. work in the mission and see all the homeless encampments. the problem has gotten much worse

what about those ladies with the baby/kids outside the Bart Station? i am surprised cops allow that, since the children should be in school
That's the worst. When the kids are being used. Noticed the ones out here that do are gypsy or some SE euro
One time around Wall Street this homeless dude asked me for change, but I told brah that I didnt have any cash on me, then brah pulls out his iPhone with his square reader and waits for me to slide my credit card.

Lol jk, but people in NYC are more chill from what I've seen. NYC people are more savy in general! I love the subway performers, even though I'm sure most are not homeless and are just trying to make some extra income.

-In Chicago you got people at intersections that's will swift through cars and tap on your window during red lights, and not to forget those that will wash your windows for you without your permission! I mean, if I have change on me I'll give it to them , but when I don't have any money they be getting mad they washed my windshield for nothing.

-Denver has the most white homeless people i've seen out of any other city I been to. I have yet to see a homeless Asian person there.

But other than that, let's all respect the homeless! I always try to help them out, instead of giving them money I'll ask pandhandlers at the corner if they want some food and if I'm not busy I'll drive to the local fast food joint and come back and give them them some food.
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