Panhandlers vol. what do u do?

do u give them money?

  • yes

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  • no

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I do if I have change... Just feel bad... I mean if you're at such a low point in your life that you will beg then I feel like you deserve some change...
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inb4 scrougemcduck.gif

srsly tho.  Coming from the NYC, people really don't give a damn.  And those who do are normally talked out of it.
I personally only give to the sociable homeless people.  They always there, always asking how you are and how the day went.  The ones who just sit there and shake their
tin of money get no love from me.

Yup the dudes that dont ask for money and genuinely talk about the ******** or the weather are the ones that get change from me.

Btw you guys see these rough looking cats with vintage jordans?
The panhandlers in my city are from the factories that closed, and being a factory man that has been in their shoes before, I usually give them $5. I feel that if ican help you without taking away from my wife and kids, then I should.
had a damn near identical experience recently and haven't since

100k tax free :x

anyways. i don't give anyone money since i don't carry cash, one time i was reaching for my drink and a guy thought i was about to give him money :stoneface:

i don't ever use gifs, but this was his reaction

no. i dont fall for their scams.
nor will i give for your make believe basketball team.
& i didnt ask you to become an acrobat and bounce up and down the damn subway car so im not giving you anything for that **** either.
From what I've learned a bunch of panhandlers make their living off this and can net some nice change. Especially those with dogs. I will buy food, but rarely give $ anymore.
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