Going to the 10:30pm showing tonight. . I'm hyped up because Its Halloween and the atmosphere should be crazy..
Saw it tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it. Not gonna lie definitely had me anxious the whole time 

Little girls scare me
Just seen this...

Am I the only one that was confused by their ages? From part 2...I could have SWORN Kristi was supposed to be the older sister. She had a family, a teenage daughter, and her husband was like 40...and Katie had Micah who had to be in his 20's.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Just seen this...

Am I the only one that was confused by their ages? From part 2...I could have SWORN Kristi was supposed to be the older sister. She had a family, a teenage daughter, and her husband was like 40...and Katie had Micah who had to be in his 20's.

Kristi IS the older one.  The daughter was from her husband's previous relationship.  I guess he was just an older man
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Just seen this...

Am I the only one that was confused by their ages? From part 2...I could have SWORN Kristi was supposed to be the older sister. She had a family, a teenage daughter, and her husband was like 40...and Katie had Micah who had to be in his 20's.

Kristi IS the older one.  The daughter was from her husband's previous relationship.  I guess he was just an older man

I thought both kids were from the same previous relationship tho. Remember their mom's boyfriend's assistant made the joke about "him not even being your real dad" when the girls had came into their little workshop?
Plus look at this.
[table][tr][td] [/td][td]Chloe Csengery[/td][td]...[/td][td]
Young Katie
[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Jessica Tyler Brown[/td][td]...[/td][td]
Young Kristi Rey
[table][tr][td] [/td][td]Katie Featherston[/td][td]...[/td][td]

[table][tr][td] [/td][td]Sprague Grayden[/td][td]...[/td][td]
Kristi Rey

I'm confused.
Originally Posted by NCTwin

Maybe I missed it, but what's confusing about the cast names?

It's just that I think most of the viewers like myself were under the impression that Katie was the younger sister. She looks younger, and if you were to judge from their lifestyles after the 2nd film you'd think that she was indeed the younger one. But in 3, we learn that Katie is the older sister. I've read around online on different forums and it seems alot of people were thrown off by this as well. I posted the actor names to verify what I meant. 
The whole time I was watching the third film I was thinking the little sister was the main chick from the 1st movie but it's not. 
Now I'm really confused.

I just went back to Part 1 and Katie is explaining how she started seeing the demon first and her sister didn't believe her until she started to see it too. But in part 3, it's the other way around.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Now I'm really confused.

I just went back to Part 1 and Katie is explaining how she started seeing the demon first and her sister didn't believe her until she started to see it too. But in part 3, it's the other way around.

I thought Katie said kristie saw it more than she did in the first one
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Just seen this...

Am I the only one that was confused by their ages? From part 2...I could have SWORN Kristi was supposed to be the older sister. She had a family, a teenage daughter, and her husband was like 40...and Katie had Micah who had to be in his 20's.

Kristi IS the older one.  The daughter was from her husband's previous relationship.  I guess he was just an older man
Naw, Kristi is the younger, smaller girl in Part 3.  But I was confused too when watching the latest joint.  I forgot who was who from Part 2 and was thinking that Kristi was Katie almost the entire time.  Watched it a second time and it all made sense.  
Originally Posted by ar916

The last 15 minutes were
Word.  The final scenes at Grandma's crib had me stressed out like no other.  

When buddy busted in on the witches, I almost lost it.  
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